740.5 MAP/4–750: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State


1898. ToMAP from EDECC. For FMACC action info to others.

Subject is execution of AMP function in country MDAP sections. Projects submitted and recent visits to various country MDAP sections by EDECC, ECE staff, SUSRepMPSB and JAMAG representatives indicate that:
Over-all responsibility for AMP at country level is clearly understood to lie with special assistant to ambassador for MDAP. (FMACC D–9/2).1
Economic impact and fiscal aspects of AMP projects are definitely assigned to ECA country mission, under general direction of special assistant.
Purely military aspects of AMP projects are responsibility MAAG’s although specific personnel for this function is not provided for in all cases.

[Here follows a more detailed treatment of MDAP responsibilities at the country level and the need for a military production specialist in each MDAP section.]

Sent Department 1898, repeated Paris for OSR and Embassy 558, Rome 170, The Plague 78, Brussels 89, Luxembourg 14, Oslo 67, Copenhagen 55, Frankfort unnumbered, Heidelberg for Handy 87.

  1. “Procedures, Instructions and Guidance for Additional Military Production Projects,” March 4, 1950. This paper is in the Department of State Committee Files, Lot 54 D 5, Foreign Military Assistance Coordinating Committee. Lot 54 D 5 contains a collection of the records of committees of the Department of State for the years 1943–1952, prepared by the Department of State Records Service Center.