740.5 MAP/4–750: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State
London, April 7,
1950—6 p. m.
1898. ToMAP from EDECC. For FMACC action info to others.
- 1.
- Subject is execution of AMP
function in country MDAP sections.
Projects submitted and recent visits to various country MDAP sections by EDECC, ECE staff, SUSRep–MPSB and JAMAG representatives indicate that:
- (a)
- Over-all responsibility for AMP at country level is clearly understood to lie with special assistant to ambassador for MDAP. (FMACC D–9/2).1
- (b)
- Economic impact and fiscal aspects of AMP projects are definitely assigned to ECA country mission, under general direction of special assistant.
- (c)
- Purely military aspects of AMP projects are responsibility MAAG’s although specific personnel for this function is not provided for in all cases.
[Here follows a more detailed treatment of MDAP responsibilities at the country level and the need for a military production specialist in each MDAP section.]
Sent Department 1898, repeated Paris for OSR and Embassy 558, Rome 170, The Plague 78, Brussels 89, Luxembourg 14, Oslo 67, Copenhagen 55, Frankfort unnumbered, Heidelberg for Handy 87.
- “Procedures, Instructions and Guidance for Additional Military Production Projects,” March 4, 1950. This paper is in the Department of State Committee Files, Lot 54 D 5, Foreign Military Assistance Coordinating Committee. Lot 54 D 5 contains a collection of the records of committees of the Department of State for the years 1943–1952, prepared by the Department of State Records Service Center.↩