740.5/12–850: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Belgium
775. Sec has considered carefully Van Zeeland’s view that upon successful conclusion of the work of the NAT Deps and Mil Comite in London a meeting of the Council, at Foreign Minister level, shld be held with Def Mins present to take action on these most important matters.
Because of the uncertainty as to the exact time such mtgs might be held, it has been impossible for Sec to answer sooner. Now, however, that NAT Deps have reached basis for successful conclusion of agreement, Sec wld like to convey his views to Van Zeeland. Sec agrees completely with Van Zeeland that Council action shld be at Foreign Minister level and also that it is desirable to have the Def Ministers present. He also believes that Brussels most suitable for such a mtg. Although press of business is very heavy for Sec, in view of Far Eastern situation, he wld be glad to come to Brussels for the mtg. Because of circumstances he cld only be briefly in Brussels. Because of urgency in getting this important matter settled promptly, he suggests mtg on Dec 18 and 19. If these dates agreeable to all concerned, he wld plan to arrive the morning of 18, leaving late afternoon of 19.
With this brief period, schedule of mtgs is obviously difficult, but the fol suggestion might be feasible. A mtg of the Def Comite on the morning of the 18 if they desire to take up any business separately. A joint mtg of the Council and Def Comite Monday afternoon and a final joint mtg on Tuesday morning. The Sec believes that with the adequate preparation which is taking place in the Deps this shld provide sufficient time to complete all the neces business.
[Page 531]It will be impossible for Gen Marshall to leave Washington in view of situation in the Far East, but he will designate high level representative. Gen Marshall is agreed that the above outline of mtgs is desirable and will await word as to Council mtg before calling Def Comite meeting.
Although coordination has not as yet been undertaken with Bevin and Schuman (and therefore Van Zeeland shld keep this in confidence) the Sec’s present view is that it wld be desirable for the three of them to have opportunity to confer together privately on approach to Germans by Occupying powers as envisaged in Deps report. We believe it important such tripartite conversations shld be after NATO discussions and therefore plan that Tuesday afternoon be free for such a mtg. Sec is sure that Van Zeeland will understand the necessity for such conversations to carry forward rapidly our common effort.1
Because of great interest and speculation resulting from French and Deps announcements, and because of shortage of time prior to proposed mtg, we feel it most important that announcement by Van Zeeland of decision to hold Council mtg be made rapidly, and, if at all possible, by Monday.
Rptd London 2966 for info Holmes and Spofford. Rptd Paris 3174 for info. Rptd Frankfort 4177 for info.
- On December 9 Ambassador Murphy reported that he had communicated to Van Zeeland the substance of telegram 775 and that Van Zeeland had fully concurred with all aspects of the plan. Telegram 921 from Brussels, not printed (740.5/12–950).↩