740.5/3–1050: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1
Inform Def Min Secy Johnson issuing fol announcement for release at 6 a. m. EST Mar 11:
“North Atlantic Treaty Comites to Meet in the Neth
The third mtg of the North Atlantic Treaty Def Comite will be held in The Hague on Apr 1, 1950, with the Neth Govt acting as host to the eleven other Treaty members, Secy of Def Louis Johnson, Comite Chairman, announced today.
The mtg of the twelve North Atlantic Defense Mins has been called so that the Def Comite may review the accomplishments of North Atlantic Treaty planning. At the last Def Comite mtg in Paris, [Page 29] 1 Dec 1949, a common basis of agreement for collective security was approved, covering the integrated def of the North Atlantic Treaty area.
Two other important mtgs will also be held this month in The Hague on North Atlantic Treaty matters. Gen Omar Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called a mtg of the NAT Mil Comite for 28 Mar.2 This Comite, composed of one top mil rep from each country, will consider the results of the efforts of the five Regional Planning Groups as reviewed and further developed by the Standing Group of the Mil Comite. The Standing Group has permanent and continuous hdqs in Washington under the chairmanship of Lt. Gen. Willis D. Crittenberger, deputy to Gen Bradley.
On 24 Mar the Mil Production and Supply Board of the NATO will also meet in The Hague, under the chairmanship of Hubert E. Howard, Chairman of the Munitions Board. Mr. Howard was recently named U.S. Rep to the Mil Production and Supply Board. The chairmanship of this Board, as well as the Mil Comite and the Def Comite, were assigned to U.S. reps for the first year of the Treaty, and will be held in turn by reps of the other Treaty powers.”