740.5/9–2650: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

top secret

Secto 56. Summary seventh meeting North Atlantic Council 3 p. m., September 26.

Secretary opened meeting by welcoming Danish Foreign Minister Rasmussen (not present at earlier meetings) and inquired if he had anything he wished to say.

Rasmussen made following statement: Frank exchange views in earlier Council meetings September 15–18 greatly facilitated Danish Government reaching decisions on integrated defense force and German participation therein. Danes agree (1) defense as far east in Germany as possible and (2) integrated defense force proposed by US. Danes understand each NAT government should as soon as possible indicate forces to be committed to integrated force and are studying this. However, due to geographic considerations Danish forces will be insufficient alone to defend Denmark and it is Danish understanding that one of tasks of integrated defense force is defense of all of WE including Denmark. Re German participation, Danes recognize need of utilizing all available forces for defense of WE and belive US proposal provides basis for German participation without reviving German militarism. Re NATO believe basic structure [Page 349] should remain unchanged and in particular Council should continue to exercise its authority as supreme NATO body. Also feel strongly that relationship between SG and nonmembers should be improved. Danes share view of other small countries that fullest possible exchange of information on international political subjects of common interest should occur in deputies organization. Rasmussen concluded by stating implementation of arrangements for integrated force and Supreme Commander may require constitutional amendments. Consequently, Danish position set forth above condition on such an eventuality.

Secretary then reported his meeting on September 19 with Turkish Ambassador when he communicated Council decision re Turkey’s desire join NAT. Secretary informed Council that Turks had not as yet replied so no approach has been made to Greece.

Report of deputies1 was then formally approved.

Secretary then gave brief résumé of tri-meetings of US-UK-French Foreign and Defense Ministers on September 22–23.

Lange (Norway) then made general statement to effect Norway agrees that integrated force for defense of Europe is realistic and necessary step to strengthen NAT. Norway assumes integrated force under Supreme Commander will have task of organizing defense of all Europe including Norway and western approaches to Denmark. Believes there should be a northern European military theater under Supreme Commander and that in event of emergency part of integrated allied force would fall back to Denmark and Norway and approaches to Denmark. Norway also believes it important that NAT governments have proper channel and means of making known their views to supreme allied commander. Re German participation in integrated force, Norway agrees to principle provided there are sufficient guarantees to preventing resurgence German militarism and that West German Government desires to participate.

Portuguese Ambassador (acting for Foreign Minister) made long and involved statement indicating Portuguese agreement re German participation in defense of west. Re integrated force, Portugal has no objection subject to satisfactory agreement on number of points including fact that Supreme Commander may not station troops in a country without country’s consent; that Supreme Commander and SG should not interfere with national force not committed to integrated force; that participation in integrated force is by free consent each country; that SG should not in matters which affect a particular country (nonmember of SG) impose its will on such country without [Page 350] full consultation and agreement; that Portugal cannot contribute forces integrated force because of its own commitments at home and overseas.

Secretary then proposed discussion of resolution paragraph by paragraph. After some discussion, resolution slightly amended was adopted. (Text in separate telegram.)2

Communiqué also slightly amended (final text in separate telegram).3

Secretary then turned over chairmanship for coming year to Van Zeeland. Both Bevin and Van Zeeland paid high tribute to Secretary’s inspiring leadership and great contribution during past year. Van Zeeland adjourned meeting with understanding time and place of next Council meeting would be studied by deputies.

Department pass Defense, Brussels, Ottawa, Copenhagen, Paris, Rome, Hague, Oslo, Lisbon, London, Reykjavik, Luxembourg unnumbered.

  1. North Atlantic Council Document G5–D/2. See footnote 2, p. 308.
  2. Telegram Secto 55, infra.
  3. Telegram Secto 47, September 23, not printed. The communiqué is printed in the Department of State Bulletin, October 9, 1950, p. 588.