740.5/9–2350: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Secto 44. Re Secto 43. Secretary opened private session1 Foreign and Defense Ministers this morning by explaining our delicate situation re progress with European army in absence of agreement on German participation. He pointed out that French are unable change their position today; yet there is Atlantic Council Meeting next week and Defense Ministers meeting October 16, which would arouse continuing and increasing public interest in this matter. He considered German participation essential and it is necessary to find ways and [Page 344] means to deal in some way with questions at both forthcoming meetings.
Marshall then spoke forthrightly and with authority on difficulties which would be created for getting the necessary appropriations from Congress if some assurance cannot be given of German participation.
In reply to question by Acheson as to possibility of getting favorable action from French Parliament, Moch said that there is chance of getting a package agreement from Parliament, including German participation, but that Parliament would not meet until after Defense Ministers meeting. It was therefore decided to ask General Marshall to arrange for postponement meeting of Defense Ministers to October 28 in order to attempt to get favorable French parliamentary action.
Moch later enlarged privately to Acheson on contents of his package, which must include precise information on what French can expect from the United States under the aid program and how many and at what date US divisions would arrive in Europe. He said he needed much ammunition if he is to sell this package to his Parliament, but he was willing to try it if the ammunition is forthcoming. He thought his trip with Petsche in early October would be helpful.
Speaking privately after meeting, Bevin expressed skepticism as to obtaining French parliamentary agreement. Acheson disagreed since he felt that if French are given a sense of inevitability and pressed as much as possible they should come through before Defense Ministers meeting. If they did not, he would have to consider going ahead any way.
Sent Department Secto 44; Department repeat Frankfort unnumbered, London unnumbered, Paris unnumbered.