740.5/8–250: Telegram

The United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford) to the Secretary of State

top secret

Depto 30. Fifth session NAC deputies considered Standing Group’s report1 and heard SG presentation covering following points:

What SG has done so far:
Development medium term defense plan which now being revised and refined by regional groups.
Study of short term defense plan, for which regional plans due September 1.
Revised state of defense preparedness of which main deficiencies are lack of trained personnel, of equipment, of infrastructure and effective reserve formations.
What SG proposes to do to improve state of preparedness.
More detailed guidance on collective balance of forces.
Guidance on standardization of weapons and equipment and on structure of forces.
Analysis of differences of mobilization procedures.
Improve and coordinate training arrangements.
Recommend establishment of stockpiles.
Consider reorganization of regions for greater efficiency.
What SG considers NAC deputies could do to improve state of preparedness.
Direct immediate national action towards increasing total effective combat forces (SG considers there is no reason wait for more detailed studies, that anything done now will be in right direction, that energetic start needed now and that previous unsuccessful efforts of military authorities and defense ministers to get increases must now be strongly backed by deputies).
Obtain governmental approval for executive power to enforce agreed resolutions in name of Council.
Assume deputies now concerned with getting agreements on equitable distribution of national defense efforts to provide necessary forces.
Improve scope of national military service.
Recommended to governments an initial program for high priority military production in Europe.
Coordinate work of Defense Committee, DFEC and MPSB.
Discussion of need for coordination of Standing Group with DFEC and MPSB to question on SG guidance as to types and volume of high priority equipment of which production should be started immediately. Tedder2 stated as SG opinion that MPSB knows enough [Page 177] of immediate production capabilities and requirements for high priority items to consider immediate production increases. SG listed six general categories of equipment that should be given urgent priority: tactical aircrafts, anti-aircraft equipment, including radar; anti-tank weapons; tanks; mine weapons and escort vessels; field artillery. Ely3 stated that SG realized military guidance needed both as to volume and type equipment needing high priority production but stated that decision on types could only be worked out in consultation with MPSB. Suggested immediately sending rep to Washington to work on the problem.
Statement on new weapons aroused considerable interest (being pouched).4
One subject on which discussion centered was SG guidance on concept of balance collective forces. Crittenberger stated SG has draft of further guidance on this subject on which agreement is expected within few days. SG paper includes statement of principles, covers four stages by which balancing will be achieved and assigns certain tasks to regions. Tedder explained SG assigns primary tasks to nations and regional groups expected to recommend adjustment of national forces to meet assigned task. Alphand questioned desirability of relying on separate national actions which might not be coordinated with plans of other nations. Tedder affirmed confidence in ability of each nation to “face up to facts” and stated each nation, knowing its primary assigned task, can decide whether it is devoting too much effort to other tasks and should change emphasis.
Deputies agreed issue press release stating that SG representatives had met with deputies to discuss defense matters.

Sent Department Depto 30, repeated info Paris 183 pass OSR, Hague 31, Brussels 30, Copenhagen 22, Oslo 16, Ottawa 9, Lisbon 14, Rome 43, Frankfort unnumbered pass Heidelberg for Handy. Department pass Secretary of Defense.

  1. See footnote 1, p. 162.
  2. Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord Tedder, British Representative on the Standing Group.
  3. Lt. Gen. Paul Ely, French Representative on the Standing Group.
  4. Not printed.