IO Files: US/A/2451
Memorandum of Telephone Conversations, by Mr. David H. Popper, Principal Executive Officer, United States Delegation to the General Assembly
Participants: | Mr. David W. Wainhouse, Department of State |
Mr. David H. Popper, Principal Executive Officer |
During the course of the afternoon I telephoned Mr. Wainhouse in the Department to inform him of the possibility that both Entezam and Zafrullah might remain in the presidential race until the first ballot disclosed who was the stronger candidate. In that event, we would be confronted with the necessity of making a choice, and our choice would be very important in the subsequent manoeuvering.
Mr. Wainhouse reported that the reaction in the Department was that it still hoped an agreement could be reached before the balloting; that it would not wish the Delegation to reveal its position until the time of the balloting; and that it did not wish to make a decision between the two candidates until it was informed of the results of the Latin American caucus scheduled for this evening. The Department will check with Assistant Secretary McGhee in London as soon as it gets word of any action the caucus may take on the presidency, if possible tonight. I stressed the need for a Department line in time for our Delegation meeting, September 19 at 10:00 a. m.
[Page 125]Mr. Wainhouse called tonight and dictated the following message to Mrs. Walker:
“Burton Berry of ANE has just telephoned me to say that he talked to George McGhee1 in London. McGhee says:
- “1.
- He is still hopeful that one or the other of the candidates will withdraw.
- 2.
- If neither candidate withdraws we should not disclose our hand up to the time of voting.
- 3.
- Subject to the Secretary’s approval, Mr. McGhee favors Zafrullah unless Entezam appears to be the winner in which case we will vote for him.”
- George C. McGhee, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs.↩