Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Miller) to the Secretary of State
Subject: Clearance by the White House on Haitian Recognition
Should the United States have diplomatic relations with the new Military Junta in Haiti? It is understood that the President wishes to be consulted concerning the recognition of Latin American regimes which assume power by force.
In April, 1950, President Estimé of Haiti proposed a Constitutional amendment which would have allowed him to succeed himself when his term of office expired in 1952. The Haitian Senate voted against the proposed amendment and President Estimé then stimulated mass [Page 934] demonstrations designed to put pressure on the Senate. The President also signed a decree attempting to dissolve the Senate, which was an unconstitutional act, but the Haitian military prevented the publication of the decree. Following a rapid deterioration of the situation, President Estimé was forced to resign on May 10, and a three-man Military Junta assumed control.
The Junta has restored order, is in control of the country with the apparent acquiescence of the people and has undertaken to respect its international obligations. It has appointed a predominantly civilian cabinet and has pledged itself to hold new elections and restore constitutional government, but has not yet specified the election date.
Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and probably Mexico have already recognized the Junta. An informal exchange of views with the remaining American Republics indicates no significant variation from our estimate of the situation, and it is probable that all, or nearly all of them, will soon recognize the new regime. Of the European nations France and Spain have already recognized and the United Kingdom has indicated that it wishes to follow our lead.
It is recommended that you endeavor to obtain the President’s concurrence with our plan to inform the other American Republics on June 1 of our intention to recognize the Military Junta on June 5.1
- In his memorandum of his discussion of this subject during his conversation with President Truman held June 1, the Secretary stated: “I went over with the President Mr. Miller’s memorandum of May 31 and the President has authorized us to recognize the Government of Haiti.” (738.02/6–150)↩