611.00/9–2250 (Bulky)

Policy Record Guide: ARA: Anti-Communist Measures in the Inter-American System1

top secret

Policy: To encourage steps to lessen the Communist threat in the Americas, but to enter no anti-Communist agreements with other American Republics. (NSC 16, 6–28–48)2

Action Taken:

We have arranged with the other American Republics to exchange information on Communist activities in accordance with the [Page 625] provisions of the final act of the Bogotá conference.3 Channels for this exchange have now been established and we are continually seeking to increase the flow of this information. (Circular to OAR, 1–27–49; Acting Secretary’s letter to Attorney General, 6–21–49; Circular to OAR, 5–24–50).4
We have consistently declined to enter into negotiations for anti-Communist agreements informing our missions that we doubt the usefulness of a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the continental countries to establish a unform policy to put an end to Communist activities as suggested by Bolivia, We have also informed our Ambassador in Havana that we would not support the suggested initiation by Cuba of action leading to a joint anti-Communist declaration for the Caribbean.5 Following the expression of our views, the Bolivian Foreign Minister6 decided not to encourage the holding of a meeting of Foreign Ministers on the subject, and we have informed Embassy La Paz confidentially that we are considering the question on an Inter-American consultation under the Rio Treaty in the light of the Korean situation but have thus far felt such a meeting would be diversionary rather than helpful to UN efforts. (Circular to OAR, 4–28–50; Deptel 14 to La Paz, 7–17–50; La Paz’ 39, 7–21–50)4
Arrangements have recently been completed with the British Embassy in Washington for an exchange of information on Communist activities in Latin America. (Deptel 68 to Managua, 6–29–50)7

  1. This selection is taken from the ARA section of the Policy Record Guide, a reference file of which copies were held by the Secretary and other officers and for which materials were distributed on an occasional basis.
  2. NSC 16 is printed as PPS–26, March 22, 1948, in Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. ix, p. 194.
  3. For the Final Act of the Ninth International Conference of American States, held at Bogotá March 30–May 2, 1948, see Annals of the Organization of American States, 1949, pp. 111–139.
  4. None printed.
  5. For further documentation, see the memorandum by Thomas C. Mann, Director of the Office of Middle American Affairs, of a conversation held April 17, 1950, as well as Mr. Mann’s letter of May 10 to Ambassador Robert Butler, pp. 659 and 661.
  6. Raúl Fernandes.
  7. None printed.
  8. Not printed.