Editorial Note
Following approval by the Department of the draft transmitted in Delga 177 (telegram Gadel 71, October 25, 320/10–2550), the United States joined with France, Lebanon, Mexico, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom in submitting the joint draft resolution as a substitute for the Soviet resolution (U.N. Doc. A/C.1/597); the draft subsequently received a new title, “Peace Through Deeds” (October 28). For the legislative history in the First Committee of this resolution; the original Soviet resolution; resolutions introduced by Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, and India; and last-minute Soviet-bloc amendments to the joint resolution, see United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifth Session, First Committee, pages 175 ff. (hereafter cited as GA (V), First Committee). The Committee’s deliberations took place in 12 meetings from October 23 to November 3, with the result that the Soviet resolution was rejected and the joint resolution was adopted with some changes and the addition of two new sponsors, Bolivia and India. For texts of the various resolutions and other relevant documentation, see GA (V), Annexes, volume II, fascicule 69.
The resolution was forwarded to the General Assembly for approval accompanied by a companion resolution entitled “Condemnation of Propaganda against Peace.” This resolution was sponsored by Chile and was originally introduced as an amendment to the joint resolution (October 27). Agreement was reached subsequently between the cosponsors of the joint resolution and Chile that the Chilean proposal should be introduced as a separate resolution. This procedure had the “warm support” of the Department of State (telegram Gadel 80, October 30, 320/10–3050). For text of the Chilean resolution, see ibid., page 7, Resolution B (Resolution A was the joint resolution).
General Assembly consideration and adoption of the two resolutions, “Peace Through Deeds” and “Condemnation of Propaganda Against Peace,” took place on November 17. For the proceedings, see GA (V), Plenary, volume I, pages 429 ff.