320/10–2350: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Gadel 66. Ref Delga 172 of Oct 23. Dept believes that proposed draft substitute res on strengthening peace furnishes gen satisfactory basis for dealing with Sov item if counter-resolution turns out to be necessary.
Preferable wording for para 2 wld be as follows:
“That every nation Agree:
a. to accept effective international control, including inspection, of atomic energy under the UN plan;
b. to regulate all armaments and armed force under a UN system of control, including inspection, with a view to their gradual reduction.”
You may wish to consider the following additional suggested changes.
The 4th para might be revised as follows:
“Determines that among the conditions indispensable for the realization of lasting peace and security are:”
An additional clause might be added to the final para so that it wld read as follows:
“Declares that this can be achieved if all the members of the UN observe their obligations under the Charter, Observing in particular the basic principles of an enduring peace as set forth in the GA Essentials of Peace res of Dec 1, 1949, and thus demonstrate by their deeds their will to achieve peace.”