320/10–1850: Telegram
Extract From Daily Secret Summary of Decisions Taken at United States Delegation Meeting, New York, October 18, 19501
Delga 153. Following are Delga decisions October 18:
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3. Soviet “peace” declaration. Redrafted US substitute resolution (US/A/C.1/2144/Rev. 1) taking into account Department views, presented to delegation. Staff emphasized necessity for initiating consultations with other delegations if delegation agreed substitute resolution should be presented. One view was expressed that this type broad general resolution would not do much real good in propaganda field, and if substitute were to be submitted, that it was preferable to prepare resolution stressing (and largely limited to) Soviet nonparticipation in many UN activities, Soviet failure thereby to work constructively for peace, and open Soviet support of aggression in Korea hampering efforts of UN. Broad resolution, it was contended, might have effect of detracting from emphasis on important action program US undertaking this GA, first in regard to Korea and more generally, in “uniting for peace” resolution. Reliance on those two constructive actions put US in stronger propaganda position than reiterating and paraphrasing Charter and “essentials of peace” resolution. It was noted that this course would amount to substantial change from previous position and would require detailed delegation consideration. Other delegates took position that staff resolution included adequate references to Soviet misconduct. Question was raised whether US should co-sponsor substitute resolution or whether it should hand draft informally to other delegates and permit them to carry on effort without US co-sponsorship. Delegation will continue consideration this item at subsequent meeting.
- The complete text of the minutes of this meeting is located in the IO Files, Doc. US/A/M (Chr)/158, October 18, 1950.↩