320/10–1450: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


Delga 129. Extensive consultations with other delegations1 show growing support for substitute resolution to Soviet resolution on “strengthening peace”. Following USDel decision to prepare draft substitute in case delegation should decide one necessary, and taking into account preliminary delegation observations on content of substitute, staff has prepared following draft for submission to delegation early next week.2

Delegation agreed that substitute, if offered, should be simple, unambiguous, and preferably short, that it should be aimed at world public opinion with particular reference to “middle world” of wobbly states, and that it should emphasize positive and affirmative aspects of our policy. Last consideration, together with independent suggestions from some other delegation members, suggested rearrangement and rewording of Department’s free world appeal,3 change of title from [Page 405] appeal to declaration, and use of active verbs in declaration. Same consideration led working group to leave out specific condemnation of Soviets, on ground that it would not be in keeping with present mood of Assembly, which has indicated its view of Soviet aggression by affirmative attitude on Korean and uniting for peace resolutions more effectively than it could by mere condemnatory language. This consideration applies particularly to areas of opinion to which substitute resolution would primarily be addressed.

USDel would appreciate early Department views on draft which follows:

declaration of peace and freedom

The General Assembly

Convinced that it voices the intense desire of all peoples to live in peace and freedom, concerned by the threat to peace and freedom presented by the aggression in Korea and the danger of aggression elsewhere, determined to prevent aggression, the chief crime against humanity, by carrying out the provisions of its resolution … (V), entitled ‘Uniting for Peace’, reaffirms its resolution 290 (IV) entitled ‘Essentials of Peace’, and solemnly calls upon all members of the UN to carry out that resolution. Proclaims on behalf of the peoples of the UN this Declaration of Peace and Freedom. The members of the UN declare that they will work together to:

Affirm the dignity of man through observance of the universal declaration of human rights,
Utilize the world’s resources for the raising of standards of living everywhere through economic development,
Remove the barriers to friendly intercourse among peoples and the free communication of ideas,
Enable the peoples to live in peace under differing economic and political systems of their choice, free from externally-directed subversion of their institutions, from betrayal of their national independence movements to a new imperialism, and from propaganda inciting them to hatred and suspicion of other nations,
Regulate and reduce all armament and armed forces under a UN system of control and inspection designed to protect complying states against the hazards of evasions and violations; and make possible the prohibition and elimination of atomic weapons by joining in a UN cooperative to develop atomic energy for peaceful purposes only.”

Working group feels there are difficulties both of substance and of wording in paragraph 4 of Declaration where reference is made to subversion and betrayal of national independence movements, but agreed to put ideas up to delegation for their views.

  1. These conversations are recorded in ample documentation in the US/A/C.1 series in the IO Files, none of which is printed here.
  2. U.S. Delegation consideration of the Soviet peace resolution began with two lengthy meetings on October 10 and October 12, respectively (IO Files, Minutes of 17th Meeting of the U.S. Delegation, October 10, Doc. US/A/M (Chr) 152, and Minutes of 19th Meeting, October 12, US/A/M (Chr) 154).
  3. See Department’s telegram Gadel 5, September 21, p. 397. The earlier draft substitute resolution prepared by the delegation advisers is not printed (IO Files, Doc. US/A/C.1/2108, October 11).