United States policy at the United Nations with respect to the regulation of armaments and collective security: the international control of atomic energy; regulation of conventional armaments; efforts to implement article 43 of the United Nations charter by placing armed forces at the disposal of the Security Council 1

1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. i, pp. 7 ff. For documentation on United States national security policy, see pp. 126 ff. For documentation on aspects of United States policy with respect to atomic energy other than international control, see pp. 493 ff. For documentation on the “Uniting for Peace” resolution adopted by the General Assembly, see vol. ii, pp. 303 ff. Additional documentation on the attitude of the Soviet Union concerning regulation of armaments and documentation on the Soviet “peace offensive” and the United States response are scheduled for publication in volume iv.

[1] Memorandum by Mr. R. Gordon Arneson to the Secretary of State

Lot 57D688, a consolidated lot file in the Department of State containing documentation on atomic energy policy, 1944–1962.

[2] Memorandum by the Deputy Under Secretary of State (Rusk) to the Counselor (Kennan)

Policy Planning Staff Files1

[7] Memorandum by the Counselor (Kennan)

Department of State Atomic Energy Files

[8] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State

330.12/1–2550: Telegram

[11] Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Secretary of State


[14] The Secretary of State to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt


[16] The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations

330.12/1–2550: Telegram

[24] The Ambassador in Denmark (Anderson) to the Secretary of State

330.11/6–2050: Telegram

[28] The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)

330.11/8–1150: Telegram

[30] Position Paper Prepared in the Department of State

IO Files: SD/A/C.1/336

  1. Lot 64D563, files of the Policy Planning Staff of the Department of State, 1947–1953.
  2. Master Files of the Reference and Documents Section of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State.
  3. Lot 58D133, a consolidated lot file in the Department of state containing documentation on regulation of armaments and disarmament, 1942–1962.
  4. Files of the United States Mission at the United Nations.
  5. This memorandum, prepared on April 6, was circulated as US/S/C.3/33 on April 7.
  6. Files retained by the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State.