Efforts to develop a United States policy regarding the balance-of-payments problem (“the dollar gap”); the Gordon Gray report to the President on foreign economic policies
[298] Background Memorandum on the Dollar Gap Question, Prepared in the Executive Secretariat
February 21, 1950
Department of State Committee Files, Lot 122, Box 15559
[299] Memorandum by the Secretary of State to the President
[Washington,] February 16, 1950.
Department of State Committee Files, Lot 122, Box 15559
[300] Attachment to the Memorandum to the President of February 16, 1950
[Washington, February 16, 1950.]
Department of State Committee Files, Lot 122, Box 15559
[302] Statement of the History and Work of the Departmental Dollar Gap Working Group (DDG)
[Washington,] November 20, 1950.
Department of State Committee Files, Lot 122, Box 15559