740.00119 Control (Germany)/6–2849: Telegram
The Acting United States Political Adviser for Germany (Riddleberger) to the Secretary of State
1027. At meeting of four deputy military governors this afternoon French representative introduced orally proposal outlined mytel 1012 June 251 with exception of any reference to political questions and political advisers which he omitted. He recalled that CFM communiqué
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[Page 363]had emphasized economic questions and Berlin and therefore that the first two groups of experts should convene to consider those subjects set forth particularly in paragraph three of CFM communiqué. General Bapst said that other groups of experts could later be established for other subjects if necessary. He suggested that any reports of the experts would be submitted to their respective deputy military governors and, after consideration by latter, meeting of deputy military governors or military governors could be called at request of any element. He thought that meetings at deputy military governor or military governor level would under this procedure be only at irregular intervals depending upon progress of experts consultation.
General Dratvin spoke next for SMA and, after asking few clarifying questions, stated that French proposal was interesting and should be thoroughly studied. Dratvin requested that the proposal be submitted in writing and stated he would express an opinion after study thereof. At this point he concluded his remarks and McLean, who was in the chair, tried to find out if Dratvin had any proposals to advance as he had not commented on substance of General Bapst’s remarks. Dratvin replied pleasantly but firmly that he would prefer not to present any proposals at this meeting and desired to study General Bapst’s proposals in written form first.
General Hays thereupon stated that he was willing to study French proposals and thought that better progress could perhaps be made if discussions are kept on informal basis as suggested by Bapst. Hays preferred that deputy military governors or military governors meet when some agreement has been reached by experts but thought that disagreements by experts could be considered at his level if one element so desired. McLean likewise agreed to study French proposals.
Date of next meeting was then considered and it was decided that deputy military governors would meet on July 5 at same time and in same place on understanding that General Bapst would submit his proposals in writing to other deputy military governors tomorrow.
With respect to press, it was decided upon proposal of McLean that only brief statement be given out to effect that four deputy military governors had met with McLean in chair and had had preliminary discussions on arrangements to carry out decisions of CFM and that further meeting will be held July 5.
Soviet representatives were affable and friendly both in meeting and in subsequent tea table conversation but completely uncommunicative on matters of substance. I have impression that either they have not received their instructions or were under strict instructions riot to comment [Page 364] or to advance proposals until they have had opportunity to examine ideas of Western representatives.
There was no mention whatsoever of the strike.2
Sent Department 1027; repeated Paris 447, London 333, Moscow 104.