740.00119 Control (Germany)/7–549: Telegram
The United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy) to the Secretary of State
1065. Re ourtel 1027, June 28.1 Deputy Military Governors after lengthy discussion agreed upon method of procedure to implement CFM communiqué of June 20. It was decided that consultations on Germany should be held at two levels: (1) Military Governor or Deputy Military Governor level, and (2) expert level. It was agreed that the commandants of four sectors of Berlin should meet to consider implementation of paragraph 3 (c) of CFM communiqué and that they would be authorized to deal with all matters within their competence without reference to Deputy Military Governors. For questions that exceeded their competence, such as interzonal trade, commandants would refer them to Deputy Military Governors for final confirmation. After considerable debate in which Dratvin first desired a discussion at Deputy Military Governor level of paragraphs 3 (a) and (b), it was decided upon proposal of General Hays that group of special experts would be established to draft terms of reference of the consultations and to consider implementation of paragraphs 3(a) and (b) taking into account paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 of CFM communiqué. Members this group will be Semenov, Weir, Leroy-Beaulieau and Wilkinson and they will meet upon call of French member.
Date of next meeting of Deputy Military Governors will depend upon progress of special experts and will be convoked by Dratvin who will be in the chair.
It was also agreed that short communiqué would be released to press explaining procedure which had been agreed upon.
Sent Department 1065, repeated London 348, Paris 455, Moscow 105.
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