The Chargé in Spain (Bonsai) to the Secretary of State
No. 2500
[Received July 19.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my telegram 1154 of July 9, repeated to Paris as 312 and to London as 325,71 reporting my conversation with the Foreign Minister on that date regarding possible political changes in Spain in the near future, and to enclose herewith for the information of the Department a copy of my emorandum71 of that conversation.
My own view is that while temporarily the closing of the French frontier and the agitation of the Spanish question in the Security Council by countries having very definite political objectives in Spain and an unscrupulous attitude regarding the use of misinformation about conditions in Spain for the purpose of attaining those objectives have strengthened the Franco regime by arousing nationalistic sentiments, the long-run situation confronting France is due to become increasingly unfavorable. This point will be elaborated in later despatches and telegrams. Economic difficulties coupled with rising internal political opposition and disorder—a disorder which is still well within the Government’s ability to control but which may within a few months reach unmanageable proportions—form part of a situation which undoubtedly though probably not immediately will be most difficult to handle.
[Page 1078]I would like to draw the Department’s attention to my continued emphasis in my conversations with the Foreign Minister on the necessity, if any sort of sincere political evolution is contemplated by the present authorities, for at least a degree of freedom of discussion since otherwise such evolution would be considered both inside and outside of Spain as distinctly a sham and not founded on an enlightened public opinion.
Respectfully yours,