501.BC Spain/10–3046: Telegram
The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:29 p.m.]
733. Lange (Poland) told the Security Council October 30 that he would ask it to remove the Spanish question from the list of items on which the Council is “exercising its function” so that he could present recommendations on the subject to the General Assembly.72 Supported by Molotov (USSR), Lange favored placing the subject on the agenda for the current meeting. When Pasha (Egypt)73 and Velloso (Brazil) objected, suggesting the usual 3 days’ notice for agenda items, chairman Cadogan (UK) ruled that the Polish proposal would be considered at a special SC meeting at 3 p.m. November 4.
- On October 24 the Secretary General of the United Nations, in a speech supplementing orally his formal Report to the General Assembly on June 30, 1946, had invited the General Assembly to give “comprehensive guidance” to the different organs of the United Nations and its Member States “regarding their relationship with the Franco regime.” (United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, First Session, Second Part, Plenary Meetings, p. 700; hereafter cited as GA (1/2), Plenary).↩
- Dr. Mohamed Hussein Haekel Pasha, Egyptian Representative at the General Assembly.↩