501.BC–Spain/6–646: Telegram
The Chargé in Spain (Bonsai) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 6—12:20 p.m.]
1019. Following is summary of note delivered late last night by Spanish FonOff to representatives here of members of Security Council with whom Spain maintains “cordial relations” (US, UK, Brazil, Egypt, Netherlands) and published in full in this morning’s press.
Spanish Government protests against procedure Subcommittee and against offensive report that body. Subcommittee has no competence or jurisdiction over Spanish affairs because Spain is not member United Nations and because matter dealt with is Spain’s internal regime. Thus very basis international community in respect for sovereign states is violated. Spain is defending cause medium sized and small countries and of neutrals all of whom may tomorrow be threatened.
Brazil is only member of Subcommittee having normal relations with Spain. Australia is British dominion not represented in Spain and China has had no relations since war. Poland and France are both judges and accusers and have shown manifest hostility. Poland is merely agent of foreign government which was expelled from League of Nations for aggression against Finland. Both France and Russia are currently accused before United Nations of aggression (Siam and Iran).
Spanish Government was not heard but so-called Giral Government furnished major part evidence. Giral Government described as at service Soviet Communism the only true threat to peace of Spain.
Of Poland’s four original charges three have fallen to ground especially due last minute British report. These include atomic bomb production, alleged offensive military power and preparation for attack against France.
Spanish Government reiterates its complete neutrality during war, its condemnation of excesses committed by Nazi-Fascist regimes, its complete respect for political system other countries and finally states that its conduct regarding German individuals and properties in Spain is not different from that observed by other neutral countries but it does not hope to convince persons representatives or governments [Page 1076] which because they proceed in bad faith are predisposed not to be convinced.
UN is not competent to demand responsibilities for past acts but rather to avoid future conflicts but Spain would not object to examination of past if impartial and if conduct other nations including Russo-German dealings in 1939 also examined. American White Book69 was answered by Spanish FonOff. Subcommittee is silent on help which Spain’s neutral attitude represented for Allies and especially for France as long as she was in war, for Great Britain and for US at time of African landings. Spain’s action regarding Tangier is justified by wartime circumstances.
Spain’s regime as was clearly proved by Caudillo in his recent speech in no way resembles either German or Russian totalitarianism.
Spanish Government is aware that Governments of American Republics unanimously replied to Subcommittee’s questionnaire in sense that they had no complaint against Spanish Government for alleged pro-Fascist activities in America.
Majority countries Subcommittee states do not wish relations with Spain are Soviet satellites or are occupied by Soviets. Spain receives frequent evidences friendship from persons who have escaped from those countries.
Spanish Government as set forth in recent declaration has taken all measures to facilitate actions British and American Embassies as agents ACC in repatriation Germans charged with political activities and control properties belonging to former German Reich.
No [Note] deals ironically with alleged legalistic subterfuge of Subcommittee to maintain accusation against Spain while admitting Spain is not actually threat to peace. This is described as surprising and serious juridical novelty.
Recommendation Subcommittee for break relations said to have been same as that unsuccessfully advocated by Soviets at Potsdam and defeated at London Assembly of UN by majority votes and also rejected in tripartite note of March 4.
Note concludes as follows:
“The Spanish Government wishes to believe that the Anglo-Saxon nations who have the most heavy responsibility in the progress of the world during the coming years as well as the other powers members of the Security Council and especially Brazil, the Netherlands and Egypt after having studied the affairs of Spain objectively and judged them with serenity and without passion, will do justice to Spain in declaring completely unacceptable the proposal contained in the report [Page 1077] of the Security Council because Spain far from constituting any danger to peace has a clear record as a pacific country, a record such as few countries can present, since it has remained neutral in the last two European wars and because of the profound Christian sentiment of her people who desire as much as any that at last true peace may rule, which must be the work of justice.
In any case the Spanish Government once more places on record that the dignity of the nation will never tolerate that foreign nations endeavor to intervene in the private affairs of Spain and it is very certain of being supported in its desire for liberty and independence by the whole nation which would prefer to live in a difficult isolation rather than in a state of incomplete sovereignty and it is convinced that by so doing it is rendering a service of the first importance to the cause of free nations and to the international community itself.”
Full text and translation being airpouched.70
- Issued by the Department of State March 4, 1946, under the title “The Spanish Government and the Axis: Official German Documents.” Texts of the documents are also printed, some in part and some in full, in the Department of State Bulletin, March 17, 1946, pp. 413–427.↩
- Note Verbale, dated June 5, transmitted in despatch 2283, June 7, from Madrid; neither printed.↩