- Problems relating to quadripartite control of Germany (Documents 319–432)
- Developments relating to the United States Zone of Occupation in
Germany (Documents 433–457)
- Interest of the United States in developments within the Soviet Zone
of Occupation; problems relating to the quadripartite control of
Berlin (Documents 458–495)
- Efforts of the United States to provide for extension of existing air
corridors and for freedom of flight over Germany (Documents 496–503)
- Interest of the United States in German coal production and
distribution (Documents 504–528)
- Concern of the United States regarding the repatriation of German
officials, agents, and other nationals following the end of the war (Documents 529–555)
- Agreement on a plan for allocation of a reparation share to non-repatriable victims of German action, and annex, signed at Paris, June 14, 1946
- Accord on treatment of German-owned patents, signed at London, July 27, 1946
- Interest of the United States in prosecution of German war criminals