868.00/8–1945: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

5024. My 5003, August 18, 4 p.m. I saw Bidault this morning who promised an official written reply before this evening to our note regarding French participation in the Greek election.

He has just sent me a formal note which while regretting the absence of a Soviet representative in the Electoral Control Commission states that the French Govt agrees to participate with British and US Govts. The note also states that the French concur that the agreement of the Greek Govt should be sought by the British, US and French representatives in Athens and in the event of a favorable Greek reply that similar but not identical communiqués be published in London, Washington and Paris “about August 20”. (The text of the proposed French communiqué follows our proposed text in phraseology although the paragraphs are in different order.) I am cabling the text in a separate telegram.98

The note concluded that the necessary instructions have been sent to the French Ambassador at Moscow so that concerting action with his British and American colleagues the Soviet Govt will be informed of the issuing of the communiqué.

Sent Dept as 5024, repeated to Moscow as 284, London 607, Athens 18.

  1. Telegram 5025, August 19, 1945, 9 p.m., not printed.