811.7490F/1–845: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 8—12:13 p.m.]
247. ReEmbs 34, January 2, 7 p.m.91 Foreign Office has now replied in writing to the action taken by us on January 2 concerning a direct circuit to Saudi Arabia.
Foreign Office says it assumes that the Department’s telegram which was mentioned by us was despatched before the Department received Cable and Wireless92 proposals. Foreign Office continues that while it is passing our request for assurances on to the departments concerned for their consideration Foreign Office feels that it will probably be found difficult for these departments to reach any conclusion until they have been informed of the views of the American authorities on the proposals of Cable and Wireless which it should be noted embodied Cable and Wireless offer to supply an entirely satisfactory service. It should perhaps have been specified Foreign Office that this would include making available an instantaneous link between Dhahran and Bahrein and the elimination in retransmission of any delays.