867N.01/8–945: Telegram
The Consul General at Jerusalem (Pinkerton) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:59 p.m.]
141. Director of Migration informs me total immigration balance under White Paper quota as of August 1 is 7,881 of which 3,074 have not yet been given to Jewish Agency. Balance remaining from 10,300 given Agency in October plus 3,000 given recently for refugees from German camps was 4,807 as of August 1 which balance can be distributed by Agency. Balances are subject to slight revisions as only entries are estimated. Admissions are now limited to rate of 1,500 per month without carry-over for previous unfilled monthly quotas and total balance will therefore last through December unless policy is changed.
Refugees now held Mauritius numbering about 1,300 are expected to arrive during August and these with some Greek children admitted during month will exhaust quota for August. This explains information in Department’s 147, August 6, 8 p.m.12 Quota controls are now exercised through Army and Ministry War Transport which must have advance approval from Palestine Government before sending immigrants forward. General Officer commanding been informed group from Italy probably be admitted during September.
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