868.00/1–945: Telegram
The Greek Prime Minister (Plastiras) to President Roosevelt 18
In assuming the heavy task which my Government has undertaken I wish to express to you, Mr. President, and to the Government and people of the United States of America the profound gratitude of the Greek Government and people for the friendship and solicitude always displayed by your great country towards our sorely tried nation. In the defense of the liberties so recently restored to this ancient cradle of democracy and so dear to them the Greek people place their faith in the noble principles of the great American democracy and hope that in her effort to reconstruct the ruins accumulated by the long enemy occupation of the country Greece will be able to rely on the full and so precious support of Your Excellency and the United States.
- Copy forwarded to the Secretary of State by President Roosevelt on January 9, 1945. On January 10 the Secretary forwarded to the President a copy of a telegram of January 8 which he had received from the Greek Minister for Foreign Affairs (Sofianopoulos), together with his reply (neither printed).↩