891.00/12–245: Telegram

The Ambassador in Iran ( Murray ) to the Secretary of State

1039. Text of Soviet note of November 26 was released to press here yesterday afternoon. Since I assume Iranian Ambassador Washington has it, full text is not being telegraphed. Body of note consists of denials of various assertions made in Iran Govt’s note to Soviets of November 17 transmitted my dispatch 151, November 13 [19].86 Final paragraph however seems so important it is being sent in full in my following telegram87 to make sure Dept receives it accurately.

Sent Dept as 1039, repeated Moscow as 306, London as 108.

  1. Not printed; but see footnote 41, p. 432, and last paragraph of telegram 971, November 21, 8 a.m., from Tehran, p. 438.
  2. No. 1040, p. 470.