740.00119 E.W./9–745: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)89

7715, For Secretary Byrnes on arrival.90 Anglo-Soviet-Iranian Treaty of January 29, 1942 contains following provision:

“The forces of the Allied Powers shall be withdrawn from Iranian territory not later than 6 months after all hostilities between the Allied Powers and Germany and her associates have been suspended by the conclusion of an armistice or armistices, or on the conclusion of peace between them, whichever date is the earlier.”

It would be helpful in connection with question of withdrawal of Allied forces from Iran to obtain agreement among U.S., U.K., and U.S.S.R. Govts re date of suspension of hostilities as referred to in foregoing provision. Dept assumes that for this purpose date would be Sept. 1, 1945.

It would be reassuring to Iranians if public statement could now be made by Council of Foreign Ministers announcing the date from which 6-month period for evacuation of Iran will begin to run.

  1. Repeated to Moscow as No. 1975 and to Tehran as No. 504.
  2. The Secretary was aboard the Queen Elizabeth, en route to the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers at London.