Tehran Post Files: 710: Allied Troops in Iran
Memorandum of Conversation, Prepared in the United States Delegation to the United Nations Conference on International Organization27
Participants: | Mostaf a Adl, Minister of Justice of Iran and Chairman of the Iranian delegation to the UNCIO |
Mohammed Shayesteh, Iranian Minister to the United States | |
The Secretary of State | |
Mr. Ailing28 | |
Mr. Kohler29 |
After the exchange of the usual initial amenities, the chairman of the Iranian delegation said that he wished to mention the question of the retirement of Russian and British troops from Iran now that Germany had unconditionally surrendered. He explained that the treaty contained a somewhat ambiguous phrase which would allow the British to retain troops in Iran until six months after the termination of hostilities with Japan, but this phrase did not apply to the Russians since they are not at war with Japan. However, in a conversation which he had had yesterday with the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Eden had made the categorical statement that the British would not seek to take advantage of the treaty to retain troops in Iran until after the termination of hostilities with Japan, but that they were prepared immediately to start withdrawing their troops step by step, on condition, of course, that the Russians should likewise simultaneously withdraw their troops. Mr. Eden suggested that it might be possible for the United States to take the initiative in proposing to both the British and the Russians that their troops be withdrawn from Iran, but Mr. Adl had replied that he felt it might be difficult for the United States to initiate such action. He felt rather that the Iranian Government should call on the Russians and the British in Tehran to withdraw their troops. He expected that this would be done in the near future; the United States Embassy in Tehran would be given copies of the Iranian [Page 370] demands, and he hoped that they could count on United States support. Mr. Adl added that Mr. Eden had suggested to him that he inform the Secretary of their conversation on this subject.
The Secretary thanked Mr. Adl for this information. He said it would be carefully considered by the appropriate officials of the Government, and he hoped that it would be possible for Mr. Adl to pursue the discussion of this matter in Washington after the Conference. Mr. Adl replied that he, too, hoped that he could do so, but if not the Iranian Minister in Washington would continue the discussions.
Turning to the Conference, Mr. Adl said that the Iranian delegation desired to collaborate closely with the United States, not just in words, but by their vote, as they had already shown. The Secretary replied that we greatly appreciated the friendly support which we were receiving from the Iranian delegation.
- Record copy missing from Department files; copy transmitted to Tehran in instruction 193, June 15, not printed. Drafting officer not indicated on post copy. The United Nations Conference on International Organization (UNCIO) met at San Francisco from April 25 to June 26, 1945; for documentation, see vol. i, pp. 1 ff.↩
- Paul H. Ailing, Political and Liaison Officer, United States delegation at the San Francisco Conference.↩
- Foy D. Kohler, Assistant Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs and Political and Liaison Officer, United States delegation at the San Francisco Conference.↩