760H.68/8–145: Telegram

The Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

781. Your telegram 754, July 28.54 I communicated to Prime Minister yesterday Dept’s reply Yugoslav Govt. He made no comment pending possible direct reply my telegram 742, July 23. Meanwhile, according Caccia British Chargé Affaires, no reply that connection received yet from London. However Caccia reports conversation with Tsamados Greek Under Minister Foreign Office according to which Greek Govt anxious not raise “Macedonian question” and believes Yugoslav Athens note probably due instructions following Tito-Stevenson55 conversation (Belgrade’s telegram 305, July 2156) and “unorthodox style” possible result inexperience Yugo Secretary now Acting Chief Mission here. If these beliefs correct Tsamados said would be inclined suggest Greek Yugo Govts settle matter between selves possibly after arrival here new Yugo Minister who should be briefed with full details allegations his Govt desires make. However, while ready investigate alleged border incidents and discuss disposal Greek nationals who may have fled Yugo, Greek Govt would wish make clear in advance impossible agree any foreign Govt has right intervene concerning Greek nationals.

Above appears indicate may be unnecessary place present question high international level at least so far as concerns Greece. Regarding alleged border incidents British investigating and British Acting Consul Gen Salonika reports only three of six places mentioned Yugo’s note July 21 addressed Allied Missions Belgrade can be identified and seriousness can be judged by “the fact that no tank can approach within five miles junction Bulgar Yugo Greek frontiers and that only Greek detachment near Jevdjeli is stationed at Evzonio (Metsikovon) and not issued with mortars”.

Regarding accusations persecution Slavophiles in Greek Macedonia and exodus refugees Yugo, Caccia states “facts as known to us are that the numbers do not exceed about 5,000 including elements ELAS. Owing absence strict Greek frontier control due shortage Greek troops and Gendarmerie there has been no check individual movements into Yugo and difficult arrive correct figure. On other hand there is evidence armed bands crossing into Greece from Yugo and the two main bands so far identified are reported about 100 strong”. Recommend Dept refer enclosure my despatch 1346, July [Page 333] 2457 made by American officer on spot. This officer now again Greek Macedonia with instructions continue reporting this subject.

  1. See footnote 53, p. 331.
  2. Sir Ralph C. S. Stevenson, British Ambassador to Yugoslavia.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Conference of Berlin (Postdam), vol. ii, p. 1068.