868.00/6–245: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh)
449. Greek situation causing Dept grave concern. In absence any Allied body specifically organized to deal with over-all Greek problems this Govt anxious show interest and assist constructively wherever feasible. Dept would appreciate urgently your suggestions and [Page 222] recommendations as to what we can do most effectively to make plain our policy and at same time give more than stop-gap aid to Greece.
One suggestion now under consideration by Dept is to send small group of well-known industrial experts to advise on ways of reviving production and increasing productive efficiency. Group would probably be sponsored by Dept and FEA34 and would work in close cooperation with Embassy. Dept does not desire such mission to be joint Anglo-American. If you agree that such mission is advisable you might informally feel out attitude of Greek Govt and Brit Embassy without making any firm commitments. No steps to implement project will be taken until Dept receives your recommendations.
- Foreign Economic Administration.↩