840.50 UNRRA/3–1445: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh)
385. Department understands that an informal group meets to consult with and offer advice to UNRRA respecting its operations in Greece and that pursuant to Department’s 242, March 20, American representatives do not attend such meetings. Participation of our [Page 218] representatives in regular meetings with UNRRA with British and Greek representatives present would appear unobjectionable if it is clearly understood that such meetings are informal and are to provide assistance to UNRRA at its request. It is realized that UNRRA’s operations affect the whole economic life and structure of the country and that the problems on which it will desire assistance will therefore involve matters about which in normal times we would not tender advice. However it is believed that failure of our representatives to be of all possible help to UNRRA’s operation in Greece may be interpreted as a lack of interest on the part of this Government in the relief and rehabilitation of Greece. We should do everything possible to have our representatives render advice and assistance wherever they can be most effective in contributing to the success of the UNRRA program.