CFM Files–Lot M 88, Box 31
The Secretary of State to the King of the Hellenes (George II)
Your Majesty: I have read with close attention your letter of September 22, and I thank you for the observations you have made with regard to the statement recently released by the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom and France on the matter of elections in Greece.
The complexity of the problems which have beset the Greek people since their liberation is apparent, but I feel sure that the procedures recommended are those best calculated to create conditions under [Page 167] which they can utilize their fine aptitudes in the rehabilitation of their country and in the restoration of the institutions of democratic government.
I sincerely appreciate the attitude of which you have given me assurance, with regard to the policy which the three Governments have found best suited to promote the welfare of the Greek people.
Sincerely yours,