Athens Embassy Files, 1945, 800 Elections
The Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh) to Archbishop Damaskinos, Regent of Greece
Your Beatitude: I have the honor to inform Your Beatitude that I have now received a message from the Secretary of State of the United States of America, Mr. Byrnes, instructing me to concert with my colleagues of Great Britain and France in regard to impressing upon the Greek political leaders the need for them to cooperate over the forthcoming elections with a view to the eventual establishment of a stable government in this country.
I am communicating this to Your Beatitude because of Your Beatitude’s request to Mr. Byrnes and the promise which he gave Your Beatitude in this connection. As I informed Your Beatitude last Monday I was not then in receipt of instructions, but since receiving them I have already started to confer with my colleagues, and I feel it is unnecessary to assure Your Beatitude that I shall carry out the Secretary’s instructions to the best of my ability.
I beg Your Beatitude to accept my highest expressions of respect.