767.68119/9–2045: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey (Wilson)
939. In the Potsdam agreement, the U.S., U.K. and U.S.S.R. each agreed to discuss with Turkey the question of revision of the Montreux Straits Convention. The U.S. intends to follow this procedure, and the Department expects to be able to send you in the near future American suggestions regarding revision for communication to the Turkish Government. The American Government does not now propose to bring the Straits question before the London Conference.
The Department has no official information concerning the plans of the British and Soviet Governments for discussion of the subject with Turkey but it seems apparent that those Governments are waiting for the United States to approach Turkey first. We expect to inform the British and Soviet Governments of our proposals simultaneously with our approach to Turkey.
You may inform the Turkish Government of our intentions as outlined above.
Sent to Ankara, repeated to London and Moscow.61
- Repeated to London and Moscow as telegrams 8265 and 2041, respectively.↩