740.00119 Control (Japan)/10–2045

The Australian Minister (Eggleston) to the Secretary of State
No. 473/45

Sir: I have the honour to submit, on instructions from my Government, the following proposal regarding the use of British Commonwealth Occupation Forces in Japan.

The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting on behalf of the Governments of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and India, desires to submit the following proposal to the United States Government.
Arrangements have been made by the Governments of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and India for the organization of a British Commonwealth Force under an Australian Commander to participate in the occupation of Japan. The Force will be representative of the fighting forces of each of those countries and will comprise
Land Forces—one British and one British/Indian Brigade with proportion of supporting arms and administrative troops organised as a group under an Indian Army Commander. One Australian Brigade and one New Zealand Brigade similarly organised as a group under an Australian or New Zealand Commander. It is proposed to consider later whether a second Australian Brigade be raised.
Air Forces—an Air contingent organised as a tactical group under an integrated group headquarters. This would be composed as follows—British: one fighter wing, two Mosquito squadrons, one Transport squadron; Australian: three Mustang fighter squadrons; New Zealand: one squadron of type unknown.
Lt. Gen. John Northcott, Chief of the General Staff, Australian Military Forces, has been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the British Commonwealth Force and he will be served by an integrated British Commonwealth staff. For operational matters the Commander-in-Chief of the force will be under the control of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers and it is desired that he should have direct access to General MacArthur for this purpose. On policy and administrative matters affecting the force the Commander-in-Chief will be jointly responsible to the British Commonwealth Governments concerned through a British Commonwealth organisation to be known as the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Australia and through Australian Government machinery with both of which representatives of the United Kingdom and New Zealand Chiefs of Staff will be associated.
It is proposed that British Commonwealth Naval Forces will also participate in the occupation of Japan and the United Kingdom Government will be communicating direct with the United States Government in regard to this matter.
Approval of the United States Government is sought for participation in the occupation of Japan of a British Commonwealth Force organised and controlled as shown in paragraphs 2 and 3. Authority is also requested for details regarding the role of the Force, its location in Japan and its command and administrative arrangements in relation to the United States occupational layout, to be completed direct between the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers and Commander-in-Chief of the Force.
In this connection the British Commonwealth Governments concerned do not wish to be made responsible for a zone of occupation in Japan. They would wish that, apart from any other occupational task that may be allotted to the Force, the British Commonwealth Forces should participate in occupation of the Tokyo prefecture. It is considered that for administrative convenience the area to be allotted to the British Commonwealth Force should include port facilities. It would also be convenient for the air contingent to be located alongside land forces and three airfields would be required for squadrons taking part.
The British Commonwealth Governments concerned trust that the United States Government will signify its early approval to these proposals, which will be a further practical manifestation to Japan and the world at large of that cooperation between the British and American peoples and their forces which have marked their common war effort as members of the United Nations.
An early reply would be appreciated in order that organisation and movement of forces to Japan may be proceeded with as soon as possible.

My Government desires that arrangements should be made for a simultaneous announcement in Canberra, Wellington, New Delhi and London of the formation of the above-mentioned British Commonwealth Force as soon as the reply of the United States Government is received. It would be appreciated therefore if any necessary steps could be taken with a view to ensuring that publication of the arrangements proposed above could be synchronized both in the above-mentioned Capitals and in Washington.

I have [etc.]

F. W. Eggleston