- Japanese treatment of American prisoners of war and civilian
(Documents 193–276)
- Efforts by the United States to send financial and other assistance to
American nationals held by Japan
(Documents 277–292)
- Efforts by the United States to arrange a third exchange of American
and Japanese nationals
(Documents 293–300)
- Protests by the United States against Japanese attacks on hospital
ships (Document 301)
- Protests by the United States against attacks by Japanese naval forces
on survivors of torpedoed American merchant vessels
(Documents 302–304)
- The treatment of Japanese nationals by the United States
(Documents 305–315)
- Protests by Japan against attacks by the United States on hospital
ships and other ships
(Documents 316–327)
- Sinking by a United States submarine of the Japanese ship Awa Maru while returning to Japan under
safe conduct (Documents 328–332)
- Protests by Japan against the bombing of allegedly nonmilitary
objectives, including
the atomic bombing of Hiroshima (Documents 333–339)
- Reports of unofficial suggestions from Japanese sources that Japan was
ready to make peace
(Documents 340–367)
- Postwar policy planning in regard to Japan and areas under Japanese
(Documents 368–400)
- Surrender of Japan, occupation and control, war crimes, and war claims
and reparations: (Documents 401–754)
- I. The surrender of Japan: Japanese
acceptance, August 14, of the Potsdam Declaration of July 26; preparations for signature of surrender
instrument on September 2 (Documents 401–488)
- II. Occupation and control of Japan, September 2–December 31,
(Documents 489–650)
- III. Apprehension and punishment of Japanese war criminals
(Documents 651–726)
- IV. War claims and reparations
(Documents 727–754)
- I. The surrender of Japan: Japanese
acceptance, August 14, of the Potsdam Declaration of July 26; preparations for signature of surrender
instrument on September 2 (Documents 401–488)
- Relinquishment by the Swiss Government of representation of American
interests in Japan and Japanese-occupied territory (Document 755)