875.01/5–1745: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Moscow (Kennan)
1088. Please inform the Foreign Office that an American Civilian Mission, headed by Foreign Service Officer Joseph E. Jacobs, arrived [Page 27] at Tirana on May 8. As indicated in previous communications to the Foreign Office on this subject, this Mission is not officially accredited to the Albanian authorities, but is of an informal character, and its presence in Albania is not to be taken as implying in any way American recognition of an Albanian Government. This mission is directed to survey conditions and developments in Albania and to report on the qualifications of the existing authorities preliminary to a determination of this Government’s attitude on the request of the Albanian authorities for official recognition as the Government of Albania.
You may add that as soon as this Government has received the reports and recommendations of its Mission concerning the situation in Albania it would like to consult with the Soviet and the British Governments with a view to reaching agreement for concerted action in the matter of Albanian recognition or, should the circumstances require, to formulate appropriate conditions for joint presentation to the existing Albanian authorities as a basis for recognition.
Sent to Moscow and London and repeated to AmPolAd, Caserta, for Jacobs at Tirana.