Index of Subjects
[Page [500]] [Page 501](Index of persons follows this index)
- Admiralty Islands, 444
- Agricultural surpluses, problem of, 162–163, 168
- Albania, 213–214, 217, 228
- Allied Control Commission for Italy. See under Italy.
- Argentia Conference (1941), 279
- Argentina: British purchases of Argentine beef, 163–167, 172, 175–176, 298, 393–395; Mitre law, 176; United Kingdom, relations with, 163–164, 175–176; United States, relations with, 164–167, 369
- Atlantic Charter (1941), 163, 279, 410, 415, 484
- Atomic energy, 296, 482, 492
- Australia, 163, 309n, 332, 350–351, 394–395
- Austria, 147, 227, 303; customs union with South German state, proposal for, 87, 94, 102: Germany, future relations with, 368; postwar frontiers with, 49, 55, 87, 102; Hungary, future relations with, 368; occupation of, 153, 156, 158n, 218n, 367n, 439; occupation protocol, 73–74, 386; South Tyrol, question regarding, 369, 485; territorial changes, 298, 367; tripartite control over, proposals for, 81, 154, 216–218, 386; U.S. policy on, 367–368; Vienna, entry of occupation troops into, 306, 314
- Austria–Hungary, 99
- Azores, U.S. airbase at Santa Maria in the, 229–230
- Balkans, 135, 151, 153, 155–156, 212–214, 216–217, 227, 281–282, 316, 482
- Baltic states, 193
- Belgium, 49, 55, 99, 122, 134, 146–148, 151–152
- Berlin. See under Germany.
- Biak Island, 445
- Bonin Islands, 266, 268–269, 275, 455
- Borneo, 262, 452
- Brazil, 369
- Bulgaria, 23, 99, 211–212, 228, 281, 350, 368, 386, 439, 482
- Burma (see also under War in Asia and the Pacific), 15, 263–264, 269, 316, 336, 452, 455
- Cairo Conference (1943), 3n, 146, 184, 244, 252, 280, 312, 402
- Canada, 162, 349–350, 364–365, 379, 394, 450
- Cape Verde Islands, 369
- Casablanca Conference (1942), 244
- Castelrosso, 408n, 411
- Ceylon, 309n
- China, 161, 252, 277, 316; air forces in, 454; air link to, protection of, 245, 336, 447; Amoy area, 266; civil war in, 306; Foochow–Wenchow area, 266, 455; Indochina, Chinese interest in, 262; Manchuria, 161, 267n, 268, 272–273, 275–276; military situation in, 374, 376, 380–381, 464–466; Nanking regime, 269; North China, 267n, 268, 272; pipelines to Yunnan, 245; transport of trucks to U.S. Army Air Forces in China through the Soviet Union, question of, 198; war effort of, 219
- Coal, iron, and steel production chart (1937), 142
- Coal production chart, Europe (1929, 1937), 141
- Coal production chart, United Kingdom and Ruhr (1922–1938), 143
- Combined Chiefs of Staff, 5–7, 111, 113, 122, 146, 226
- Allied forces in southern France, assumption of command by SHAEF over, 232–233, 236, 428, 437, 473
- Austria, plans for occupation of, 218n
- Basic strategy and policies, 218–220
- British role in the war in Asia and the Pacific, 244, 257, 266, 318, 331–335, 441, 447, 455–457, 474–475
- Burma, 246, 475–476
- Canadian participation in the war in Asia and the Pacific, 475
- China, military situation in, 376
- Collapse of Germany, plans for occupation in event of sudden, 228, 375, 438–440
- Combined Intelligence Committee, 31, 40–41, 237–244, 267–278, 305, 320
- Communications to Stalin and Chiang regarding results of Second Quebec Conference, drafts of, 341, 355–356, 382, 460–462
- Coordination of U.S.-British-Soviet military efforts, 9, 182–185, 307–308, 320, 437–438, 473
- Documents:
- CCS 304/13, forces available to the Supreme Allied Commander for Operation Overlord, 431
- CCS 319/5, Quadrant, report to Roosevelt and Churchill, 146n
- CCS 320, digest of Operation Rankin, 146n; 320/2, 147n; 320/3, 148n; 320/4, 149n; 320/4 (rev.), 150n; 320/8, 150n; 320/9, 151n; 320/10, 151n; 320/14, 216n; 320/18, 217n; 320/20, 217n; 320/21, 218n; 320/26, allocation of zones of occupation in Germany, 366, 374–376, 391n, 392; 320/27, 374n, 375n, 376, 381, 391–392, map, facing 476
- CCS 417, overall plan for the defeat of Japan, 265n; 417/1, 265n; 417/2, 265n, 440; 417/3, 265n; 417/4, 265n, 440; 417/5, 265n, 440; 417/6, 265n; 417/7, 265n; 417/8, operations for the defeat of Japan, 265–266; 417/9, overall objective in the war against Japan, 440
- CCS 426/1, report to Roosevelt and Churchill, 150n, 218–220, 265
- CCS 452/18, British participation in Far Eastern strategy, 244, 257, 332–333, 441; 452/21, plans for operations in Burma, 266; 452/25, British participation in the war against Japan, 257, 266, 441; 452/26, 331, 441; 452/27, 318, 331–335, 447; 452/28, directive to SACSEA, 335–336, 338–339, 447–448; 452/29, allocation of combat cargo groups and air commando groups, 335, 338–339, 452–453; 452/30, directive to Supreme Allied Commander, SEAC, 339, 447n, 448n; 452/31, 381n, 447n
- CCS 520/3, control of strategic bomber forces in Europe, 309, 431; 520/4, 320, 331, 431–432; 520/5, 331, 432; 520/6, 331, 431n, 432–434, 436n, 471
- CCS 618, machinery for coordination of U.S.-British-Soviet military effort, 9–10, 182–183; 618/1, 182–183; 618/2, 183, 307; 618/3, 307–308, 401–403; 618/4, 308n, 320, 403–404
- CCS 643, estimate of enemy situation, Pacific–Far East, 30–31; 643/1, 267–278, 320
- CCS 644, French participation in the war against Japan, 248; 644/1, 253n
- CCS 654, basic policies for the next U.S.-British staff conference, 30, 218–220; 654/1, 30n, 31, 219–220; 654/2, agenda for the next U.S.-British staff conference, 30–32, 39–40; 654/3, 32n, 39; 654/4, 32n, 40; 654/5, basic policies for the next U.S.-British staff conference, 220; 654/6, program for the Octagon Conference, 40, 301; 654/7, 41, 301; 654/8, basic policies for the Octagon Conference, 322, 441–442
- CCS 658, American-British directive to Eisenhower, 108n
- CCS 660, prospects of a German collapse or surrender, 30–31; 660/1, 31n, 237
- CCS 674, assumption of command of Dragoon forces by SHAEF, 232n, 305–306; 674/1, 305–306, 428
- CCS 675, priorities for personnel shipping subsequent to termination of hostilities in Europe, 442, 453n; 675/1, combined memorandum on troop movements, 448–451, 453n; 675/2, combined personnel movement problem during the first year after the defeat of Germany, 356, 457–459
- CCS 676, general progress report on recent operations in the Pacific, 321, 442–446
- CCS 677, future operations in the Mediterranean, 302, 429; 677/1, 305, 322, 429–430
- CCS 678, planning date for the end of the war against Japan, 339, 451; 678/1, 466
- CCS 679, redeployment of forces after the end of the war in Europe, 356, 453, 456
- CCS 680, draft report to Roosevelt and Churchill, 355, 434–438, 454–456; 680/1, 355, 378, 381n, 469n, 470n, 471n, 473n, 474n, 475n, 476n; 680/2, report to Roosevelt and Churchill, 355n, 378, 381n, 432, 447n, 466n, 469–477
- CCS 681, draft message to Stalin, 355, 478n; 681/1, draft message to Chiang, 355, 460–462, 479n; 681/2, communication to Stalin and Chiang, 356, 478n, 479n
- CCS 682, Operation Highball, 357, 462
- CCS 684, Rankin planning in the Mediterranean theater, 375, 438–440
- CCS 687, release of amphibious craft from Overlord to other theaters, 375, 464
- Draft report to Roosevelt and Churchill, 434–438, 454–456
- Germany, zones of occupation, 146, 140, 151, 153–154, 157, 158n, 308–309, 375–376, 391–392, 476; map, facing 476
- Harbors, artificial, decision not to release information on, 357, 382
- Italy, military operations in, 208, 303–305, 322, 378–379, 415, 436–437, 472
- Japan, war against, 161, 219, 258, 379–381, 440, 442–446, 454–455; planning date for end of war, 339–340, 355, 451, 456, 466, 475–476; unconditional surrender, 454
- Landing craft from SHAEF, problem concerning release of, 352, 375, 464
- Meetings: 115th, Aug. 23, 1943, 146n; 129th, Nov. 24, 1943, 401; 134th, Dee. 4, 1943, 150n; 144th, Feb. 4, 1944, 151n; 150th, Mar. 17, 431; 162d–166th, June 10–15, 8n; Quebec: 172d, Sept. 12, 40n, 41, 183n, 224n, 230n, 232n, 234n, 237n, 300–311, 320, 401n, 403, 428n, 429–437, 442n, 448; 173d, Sept. 13, 265n, 267n, 319–323, 331, 403n, 430n, 431n, 432, 442n; 174th, Sept. 14, 244n, 257n, 258n, 330–341, 354, 431n, 432, 441n, 447n, 451n, 452n, 175th, Sept. 15, 354–359, 375, 382n, 434n, 453n, 454n, 457n, 462n, 478n, 479n; 176th, Sept. 16, 374–377, 391n, 438n, 464n
- Meetings, plenary, at Second Quebec Conference with Roosevelt and Churchill: Sept. 13, 289–290, 312–318, 331–332; Sept. 16, 292, 377–383, 447n, 463n, 464n, 477n, 478n, 479n
- Norway, plans for occupation of, 196, 308n, 399–401
- Press statement by Roosevelt and Churchill, draft of, 358, 377
- Redeployment of forces after the end of the war in Europe, 31–32, 40–41, 301, 356, 381, 442, 448–451, 453, 456–459, 475
- Report to Roosevelt and Churchill, 355, 377–381, 432, 434–438, 447n, 454–456, 466n, 469–477
- Southeastern Europe, plans for occupation of, 216
- Strategic bomber forces in Europe, control over, 309–311, 320, 331, 431–436, 471
- Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, situation report by, 302–305, 436–437
- Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia, directive to, 381, 447–448, 475–477
- Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, situation report by, 301–302, 428
- Timor, question of Portuguese participation in liberation of, 230
- Twentieth Air Force, operations of, 340–341
- War in Asia and the Pacific, 335–339, 358–359, 455–456, 475
- War in Europe and the Mediterranean: Future operations, 429–431, 436, 471–472: situation reports on, 230, 231n, 234–237, 301–302, 428
- Warsaw uprising, 200, 312
- Crete, 408n, 410
- Cyrenaica, 408n, 410
- Czechoslovakia, 49, 56, 134, 215, 369
- Dakar, 369
- Danzig, 49, 82
- Dawes Plan (1924), 132
- Denmark, 49, 55, 99, 122, 134–135, 146–148
- Dodecanese Islands, 408n, 411, 439
- Dumbarton Oaks conversations, 22, 36, 45, 47n, 200n, 291, 298, 348, 424
- Egypt, 408n, 472
- Eritrea, 408n, 409
- Ethiopia, 408n, 409, 423
- European Advisory Commission. See under War in Europe and the Mediterranean.
- Finland, 196–197, 241
- Fiume, 314, 369
- Food and Agriculture Organization, 415
- Formosa, 266–269, 273, 275, 277–278, 316–317, 455
- France, 99, 132
- Arming of French forces, 121–123
- Civil war in, discussion of possibility of, 306
- Coal industry in, 134, 136
- Exports to Germany, 134–135
- French Committee of National Liberation, 247, 252, 419n; recognition of, as Provisional Government of France, question of, 43, 295, 469, 487n, 493
- French governments, instability of, 306
- Frontier with Germany, postwar, 49, 55–56, 91, 101, 126, 128, 132
- Lend-lease to, question of, 295–296, 371
- Occupation of, responsibility for, 146–148, 151–153, 155–156, 216, 308–309
- Role in the war in Asia and the Pacific, 247–252, 261–262, 298
- U.S. policy toward, 122, 144–145
- French-Belgian steel industry, 133
- French Indochina. See under War in Asia and the Pacific.
- French-Luxembourg-Belgian industrial group, 133
- Germany, 160
- Alsace-Lorraine, 49, 55, 100, 126
- Anhalt, 387
- Baden, 86, 94, 102
- Bavaria, 86, 94, 102, 387
- Brunswick, 153, 387
- Coup d’état against Hitler, July 20, unsuccessful, 241, 243
- Exports, 133–134
- Hanover, 91, 144, 153, 387
- Hesse-Nassau, 153, 365, 366n, 387, 391, 476
- Holstein, 91
- Kiel Canal, 86–87, 91, 94, 102, 129, 144, 324
- Mecklenburg, 387
- Oberhessen, 365
- Occupation and postwar treatment of Germany, development of plans
and policies regarding:
- Aircraft, proposed confiscation of all, 104, 127, 131; proposed prohibition of German operation of all, 104, 127
- Allied Control Council for Germany, 82, 382, 388
- Armed forces, demobilization of, 52, 54, 67, 93, 101
- Arms, ammunition, and implements of war: Disposition of existing stocks, 52, 68, 78, 93, 96, 101; prohibition of manufacture and import of, 50–52, 58, 60, 78, 83, 93, 96
- Arrests of political and Nazi Party officials, 112
- Assets outside Germany, confiscation of, 97, 103, 129, 133
- Bands, proposed disbanding of military, 104, 130
- Berlin: Administration of, 385, 390; capture of, Roosevelt views on, 146, 149; entry of troops into, 306; location of Allied Control Council in, 382; occupation sectors, 366, 386–388, 392; tripartite occupation of, 81, 153–154
- Bremen, proposed American control over, 366, 373, 375–376, 392, 476
- Communications, press, and propaganda, control over, 75, 79, 84, 88–89, 91, 94, 96, 114, 129
- Control machinery for, 73–77, 82, 147, 386
- Demilitarization of, 86–87, 90–91, 93, 96, 101, 105, 128
- Disarmament of, 50, 54, 58, 68, 111, 147, 353–354, 375–376, 391, 476
- Displaced persons, 75, 80
- East Prussia, disposition of, 49, 82, 86, 91, 100–101, 126–128, 134, 387
- Economic and financial policies, 50–51, 53–54, 59–60, 70–71, 74; cartels, treatment of, 388–389; economic controls, 53, 70, 118–119, 138; economic domination of Europe, elimination of German, 84, 94, 124; exchange rates, 53, 70, 114–118; financial controls, 116–118; industrial and financial concerns, destruction of concentration of, 51, 60, 71; industry, proposals regarding elimination of all, 134, 361–362; industry capable of producing war material, proposals for the dismantling or destruction of, 85, 105; industry in Ruhr area, proposed destruction or removal of, 102, 129, 133, 135–136, 144, 324–326, 343–344, 361–362, 371, 390–391; labor organizations, 51, 60, 79, 119; landed estates, breakup of, 51, 60, 71, 130; Morgenthau memorandum on, 103–104; rehabilitation, responsibility for, 89, 137–138; subsistence - level standard of living, 85, 97–100, 109, 124; State Department views on, 84–85, 94–96; Stimson comments on, 123–124; trade policy, 51, 60, 71, 84; Treasury Department Briefing Book on, 130, 133–138; Treasury Department position on, 89, 95
- Education, supervision of, 75, 80, 88, 94, 96, 103, 114, 129, 138–139
- Emigration, prohibition of, 107–108, 140
- External assets, confiscation of, 97, 103, 129, 133
- Fleet, disposition of, 97
- Forced German labor to be utilized outside Germany, 68, 87–88, 91, 103, 107, 129, 133, 318
- Foreign relations, 51, 61, 80
- Frontiers, 49–50, 121; Alsace-Lorraine, 49, 55, 100, 126; Austria, 49, 55–56; Belgium, 49, 55; [Page 505] Czechoslovakia, 49, 56; Denmark, 49, 55, 86; Danzig, 49, 50–57, 82, 121; East Prussia, 49–50, 56–57, 82, 86, 91, 100–101, 121, 120–128, 134; France, 49, 55, 86, 91, 101, 126, 128, 132; Netherlands, 49, 55; Poland, 49, 56–57, 86, 91, 101, 126, 128, 132; Rhineland, 90, 94, 102, 126–129, 134; Saar, 86, 91, 101, 128, 132; Silesia, 49, 56–57, 86, 91, 100–101, 126–128, 132, 134; Soviet Union, 86, 101, 126, 128
- Gestapo, punishment of, 70–77, 88, 94, 96, 100, 106–107, 113, 127, 140, 318
- International organization, admission of Germany to future, 61
- Junker estates, breakup of, 88, 96, 107
- Merchant shipping, disposition of, 75, 136
- Militarism, destruction of, 139–140
- Military and naval officers, disqualification from holding public office, 107
- Military and paramilitary organizations, dissolution and prohibition of, 50, 52, 58, 68, 78, 83, 88, 96
- Military government of, 51–52, 54, 65–66, 72–73, 75, 79, 82, 89, 104, 106–107, 113, 130, 137; draft interim directive to Eisenhower concerning, 110–120; Handbook of Military Government in Germany, withdrawal of draft, 110n
- Morgenthau Plan. See Treasury Department memorandum under U.S. long-term interests and objectives, infra.
- National Socialist Party: Abolition of, 52–54, 62, 69–70, 72, 75, 78–79, 83–84, 88, 91, 93–94, 96, 104, 106–107, 112–113, 127, 130, 140; abrogation of Nazi laws, 75; punishment of Nazi leaders, 100, 107; registration of Nazi Party and affiliated organizations, 107, 140; treatment of Nazi sympathizers, 88, 107
- Naval bases on Baltic, control over, 151–152, 155
- Nazis. See National Socialist Party, supra.
- Occupying powers, 51, 64
- Parades, prohibition of military, 104, 130
- Participation of smaller United Nations in control of, 66–67
- Partition, 50, 58–59, 89, 96, 318, 324, 392; international zone (Ruhr and surrounding areas), 86, 90–91, 94–95, 100–103, 124, 128–129, 144, 324, 326, 343–344, 467; North German state, 86, 94, 100, 102–103, 129; South German state, 80–87, 94, 100–101, 103, 129; Morgenthau memorandum on, 101–103; Roosevelt map on, facing 392; State Department position on, 82–83, 94, 120–121; Stimson views on, 125–126; Treasury Department position, 86–87, 94, 128–130; map, facing 86
- People’s Courts, abolition of, 112–113
- Permanent government, conditions for the establishment of, 71–72
- Police, disposition of, 113
- Political matters: Decentralization, 50, 59, 83, 89, 94, 96, 103, 129; democratic self-government, 50, 53, 58, 72; federal system of government, 83, 88, 121; political activities, control of, 75, 79, 114
- Population transfers, 50, 57
- Prisoners of war, repatriation of, 80
- Protocol on occupation, 73, 81–82
- Prussia, division of, 50, 59, 83, 89, 103, 121, 130
- Relief, 119–120, 137
- Reparations, 53–54, 70, 74, 84–85, 87, 91, 94–96, 102–103, 129, 131–132
- Restitution, 54, 84, 87, 94–95, 102–103, 129, 132–133
- Shipping (see also Merchant shipping, supra), 323–324, 326
- Substantive papers prepared for Second Quebec Conference on, 48–159
- Supreme Allied Authority, 78–82, 84
- Talisman, 236
- Transitional procedures and arrangements, 51–53, 61–73
- U.S. High Commissioner, question regarding appointment of, 95–96, 105
- U.S. long-term interests and objectives, 54–61,
- Morgenthau memorandum, Sept. 5, 101–108, 128–131, 140, 326, 342, 361–370
- Roosevelt–Churchill memorandum, Sept. 15, 460–467
- State Department position on, 49–85
- Stimson views on, 123–128, 482–485
- Treasury Department memorandum, Sept. 1, 86–91; Briefing Book (Morgenthau Plan), Sept. 9, 128–143
- War Department position on, 108, 110–120
- U.S. troops for occupation purposes, 90, 105, 131
- War crimes, 76, 79, 84, 104–106, 130, 140
- War criminals, punishment of, 62, 69, 79, 84, 88, 96, 105–106, 297; Morgenthau memorandum on, 105–108; Simon memorandum on, 91–93; Stimson comments on, 124–125; Roosevelt–Churchill minute on, Sept. 15, 467, 489n
- War guilt, 50
- War potential, control over, 69, 71, 75, 84, 87
- Wearing of military insignia and uniforms, prohibition of, 104, 130
- Zones of occupation, 30, 40–41,
64–65, 73–77, 81–82, 128n, 282, 324, 360, 385–388, 476
- British-American differences regarding allocation of, 73–74, 81, 145n, 146, 350, 386; COSSAC first plan, 146; COSSAC revised plan, 147–148, 155; Roosevelt proposals, 148–149, 151–152, 154–155; British and Churchill opposition to, 150–153; Winant proposal, 155–156; new American proposals, 156; Stettinius compromise proposal, 156–157; Eisenhower proposal, 157–158; Combined Chiefs of Staff discussion of, 308–309; King–Cunningham discussion of, 353–354; Roosevelt–Churchill agreement on, 365–367, 309–370, 373n, 391–392; Joint Chiefs of Staff action on, 373–374, 391n; Combined Chiefs of Staff action on, 375–376, 381, 391n, 392
- Map showing agreed zones, facing 476
- Soviet zone, 373, 387, 391
- Tripartite agreements on: Protocol of Sept. 12, 365–366, 373n, 389–390, 392; agreement of Nov. 14, 366–367
- Palatinate, 365
- Political and economic conditions in, 50–51
- Prussia, 80, 94, 102
- Rheinhessen, 365
- Rheinprovinz, 387
- Rhineland, 90, 94, 102, 126–129, 134, 153
- Ruhr, 86–87, 94, 99–102, 123–124, 126–129, 133–136, 141–144, 324–326, 343–344, 361–362, 371, 390–391, 466–467
- Saar, 86, 91, 99, 101, 126–127, 132, 134, 136, 144, 324, 361–362, 365, 371, 390–391, 466–467
- Saxony, 86, 94, 102, 387
- Schleswig, 153
- Schleswig-Holstein, 387
- Silesia, Upper, 49, 56–57, 86, 91, 100–101, 126–128, 132, 134, 136
- Thuringia, 86, 94, 102, 387
- War against. See War against the Axis powers.
- Weimar Constitution, 72
- Westphalia, 91, 153
- Württemberg, 86, 94, 102
- Gilbert Islands, 443
- Greece, 23, 134, 212–213, 217, 227–228, 282, 303, 350, 382, 439, 491
- Green Island, 444
- Guam, 443
- Halmahera, 268–269, 278
- Hollandia, 444–445
- Hong Kong, 261–262
- Hungary, 212, 214–215, 222, 242, 268, 298, 316, 367–368, 386, 439
- Hyde Park aide-mémoire, Sept. 19, 492
- Hyde Park meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill, Sept.
- Atomic energy: Aide-mémoire on Tube Alloys, Sept. 19, 492; Roosevelt–Churchill discussion on military and industrial uses of, 482
- Combined Chiefs of Staff report on Second Quebec Conference: Signature by Roosevelt and Churchill, Sept. 18, 482
- French Committee of National Liberation: Hull memorandum recommending recognition as Provisional Government of France, 487–488; Roosevelt reply, 493
- Germany: Stimson views on Morgenthau Plan, 482–485; war criminals, 489–490
- Italy, 481; Anglo-American statement on, drafts of, 482, 493–496; Italian frontiers, questions regarding, 485–486; statement by Roosevelt and Churchill, Sept. 26, 497–498
- Lend-lease to the United Kingdom, 486
- Polish Government, draft of joint message to Stalin regarding, 297
- Quebec Conference, Second, Churchill draft of supplemental message to Stalin regarding, 490–491
- Soviet Union, 481
- Warsaw uprising, Anglo-American aid to Polish resistance forces, 491
- Yugoslavia, 481
- Iceland, 400
- India, 298, 306, 336–337, 449–450
- Inter-Allied coordination in Moscow, 9–10, 31, 40–41
- Interim Commission on Food and Agriculture, 162, 168
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 178
- International commodity arrangements, proposed conference on, 163
- International commodity organization, 163, 168
- International Institute of Agriculture, 415
- International Labor Organization, 209, 415
- International Monetary Fund, 178
- International organization. See United Nations organization.
- Istria, 24–25, 222–224, 303, 314
- Italy (see also War against the Axis powers), 99, 160, 336–337, 450, 481; Advisory Council for Italy, 208, 497; Allied Commission, 495, 497; Allied Control Commission, 42, 208, 211, 297, 319, 416–418, 495, 498; Allied military government, 210, 485–486; Allied policy toward, 42; armistice terms, 412, 414, 416, 495–496; cobelligerent status, 414; exports to Germany (1938), 134; Italian armed forces, utilization of, 209; Italian colonies, disposition of, 210, 297, 408–411, 418; military forces in, employment of, 25, 33; occupation of, responsibility for, 151–152, 155–156, 216, 308–309; O’Dwyer report to Roosevelt on the Italian situation, 210–211, 411–412; preliminary peace treaty, British proposal for, 207, 209; prisoners of war, 209–211, 412, 415, 494; recognition of government, 207, 493–494; relief and rehabilitation problems, 207–208, 212, 342n, 411–417, 494–496, 498; South Tyrol, 485; Soviet establishment of relations with, 42, 207, 209; surrender document, 63, 209; territorial questions, 210, 485–486; UNRRA assistance, 42, 45, 207–208, 342, 413–415, 494–496, 498; U.S. attitude toward, 145, 413, 497–498; Venezia Giulia, 439, 485; Venezia Tridentina, 485
- Japan (see also under Combined Chiefs of Staff and Joint Chiefs of Staff and under War in Asia and the Pacific), 139, 306; Axis, relations with, 270; economic factors, 271–273; Emperor, role of the, 270; inner zone, 267–268, 271–273, 276; Japan proper, 267n, 268, 275–277; Kyushu, southern, 266, 275; outer zone, 267, 271–273; petroleum and other raw materials, 271–273, 275; shipping, 271–273, 275; Soviet Union, relations with, 270, 273, 277; Tokyo plain, 266
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 4–5, 9, 18, 20, 39, 377
- Allied invasion of southern France, transfer of command to SHAEF, 305–306, 428
- Austria, plans for occupation of, 217–218
- Basic strategy and policies for the conduct of the war against the Axis, 218–221, 321
- British participation in the war against Japan, 257, 441, 447
- Burma campaign, 246
- Chiang, proposed amendments to draft message to, 355–356
- China, military situation in, 374
- Coordination of U.S.-British-Soviet military efforts, 185, 403–404
- France: Participation in the war in Asia and the Pacific, 252–253; rearming of French forces, question of, 122n
- Germany: German fleet, disposition of, 97; interim directive to Eisenhower, 108n; occupation and postwar treatment of, 49, 74–75, 77n; surrender terms, 62–63, 434; zones of occupation, 146–152, 155–158, 365–366, 373–374, 391n
- Hungary, draft armistice terms for, 214
- Italy: Campaign in, 222–223, 303; disposition of colonies, 408–409
- Japan: Operations for the defeat of, 265–266, 442–447; planning date for the end of the war, 339; surrender terms, 434
- Joint Staff Planners, 149–150
- Landing craft in SHAEF, problem concerning release of, 464
- Lend-lease material, disposition of, after the defeat of Germany, 174–175
- Meeting at Second Quebec Conference, Sept. 16, 372–374
- Norway, plans for occupation of, 196, 399, 401
- Redeployment of forces after the end of the war in Europe, 301, 381, 441, 453
- Southwest Pacific Theater, 338
- Strategic bomber forces in Europe, control of, following the establishment of Allied forces on the continent, 431, 432n
- Tripartite solidarity, importance of, 191–192
- War in Asia and the Pacific, 321, 331, 338, 452–453
- War in Europe and the Mediterranean, 224, 429–430
- Warsaw uprising, question of aid to Polish resistance forces, 181n, 182, 186, 189n
- Kenya, 408n
- Korea, 161, 267n
- Kuriles, 268, 276, 443
- League of Nations, 370
- Lend-lease:
- Disposition of lend-lease material following defeat of Germany, 174–175
- France, 295–296, 371, 419–423
- Italian relief, 414
- Soviet Union, 420n
- United Kingdom: Lend-lease supplies in the period between the surrender of Germany and Japan (Stage II or Phase II), 16–19, 24, 43, 45, 159–160, 169–172, 177–181, 327–329, 344–347, 360–361, 363, 371–372, 395–396, 468; Joint Anglo-American Committee, 329–330, 346–347, 363, 468, 482, 486; reverse lend-lease, 171, 345
- Leyte, 266
- Leyte–Samar area, 446
- Leyte–Surigao area, 455
- Libya, 410
- Luxembourg, 146–148
- Luzon, 266, 268–269, 275, 278, 455
- Malaya, 264, 269, 272–273, 277, 452
- Manchuria, 161, 267n, 268, 272–273, 275–276
- Mariana Islands, 275, 443, 454, 474
- Marshall Islands, 443
- Mindanao, 268–269, 275, 278
- Morgenthau Plan. See Treasury Department memorandum under Germany: Occupation and postwar treatment: U.S. long-term interests and objectives.
- Morotai, 446
- Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers (1943), 154, 193, 208n, 489
- Moscow Declaration (1943), 91–93, 125, 208, 490
- Netherlands, 49, 55, 99, 122, 134–135, 146–147, 149, 152–153, 324, 451–452
- Netherlands East Indies, 252, 262, 264, 269, 272–273, 276–278, 452
- New Britain, 444
- New Guinea, 332, 446
- New Zealand, 162–163, 395
- Norway, 99, 122, 134, 149, 151, 195–197, 237, 242, 308n, 399–401
- Octagon. See Quebec Conference, Second.
- Oweinat and Sarra triangle, 408n, 410
- Palau Islands, 268–269, 278, 443
- Pantelleria, 408n, 411
- Pelagian Islands, 408n, 411
- Philippines (see also individual islands), 263, 269, 272–273, 275–277, 316, 332, 446, 452, 474
- Ploeşti oil fields, 198
- Pola, 369
- Poland:
- Coal industry, 134–135
- Council of National Unity in Warsaw, 407
- Exports to Germany (1938), 134
- Katyn incident, 202–203
- Polish Committee of Liberation (Lublin Committee), 188, 194n, 195
- Polish Government, draft of joint Anglo-American message to Stalin on, 297
- Soviet policy toward, 193–195, 198, 201–202, 382, 491
- U.S. policy toward, 195, 368
- Visit to Soviet Union by Mikołajczyk, 491
- Warsaw uprising, 368; British-American aid to, question of, 181, 185–190, 203–206, 296, 311–312, 396–399, 404, 407n, 491; Soviet attitude toward, 188–190, 194, 198, 201–203, 205, 296, 404–407
- Portugal, 229–230, 252
- Quadrant. See Quebec Conference, First.
- Quebec Conference, First (1943), 14–16, 22n, 34, 145–147, 280
- Quebec Conference, Second, Sept.
- Accommodations, 27, 33, 35, 287–288
- Agenda, 24–25, 30–33, 39–43, 223–224, 281–282
- Allied Control Commission for Italy, appointment of Macmillan as chairman of, 297
- Argentina, British meat purchases from, 298
- Arrangements for, 3–47 passim, 280
- Atomic energy research, cooperation between the United States and United Kingdom in the field of, 296
- Churchill. See under Churchill in Index of Persons.
- Combined Chiefs of Staff:
- Communiqué, 383–384, 457n, 477
- Delegations, 14–15, 17–21, 23–29, 35
- Documentation:
- France, question of lend-lease for, 295–296, 419n
- French Committee of National Liberation, question of recognition as Provisional Government of France, 295, 467n; Roosevelt–Churchill minute on, Sept. 15, 469, 487n
- French role in war in Asia and the Pacific, 298
- Germany: Postwar treatment of, 323–330, 342–344, 359–362, 369–371, 382, 388–392, 466–467; shipping, 323–324; war criminals, 297, 467, 489n; zones of occupation, 308–309, 324, 350, 360, 365–367, 369–370, 373–376, 381, 385–388, 391–392, 476
- India, 327; publication of Phillips report on, 298
- Indochina, 298
- Italian colonies, disposition of, 297
- Lend-lease to the United Kingdom, 328–329, 344–348, 360–361, 371–372, 395–396, 468
- Messages to Stalin and Chiang from Roosevelt and Churchill: Drafts of, 341, 382; message to Stalin, Sept. 16, 478–479; message to Chiang, Sept. 16, 479–480
- Military conclusions, 469–477
- Military discussions. See Combined Chiefs of Staff and War in Asia and the Pacific and War in Europe and the Mediterranean.
- Polish Government, draft of joint message to Stalin on, 297
- President’s Map Room, arrangements for, 34–35, 287–288
- Press conference by Roosevelt and Churchill, 384
- Press relations, 20–22, 27, 33–35
- Proceedings, 299–384
- Roosevelt. See under Roosevelt in Index of Persons.
- Sites considered for holding conference: Bermuda, 3, 7, 14–16, 280; Casablanca, 10; London, 5; Quebec, 7–8, 11, 15–17; Rome, 10; Scotland, 10–11, 14–17, 280; Tehran, 10
- Territorial arrangements in central and southeastern Europe, 298
- Tripartite meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, consideration of, 295
- United Nations organization: Proposals regarding convening a conference on the establishment of a, 297–298; voting formula for Security Council, 426n, 427
- War criminals, 297, 467, 489n
- Warsaw uprising, question of Anglo-American aid to Polish resistance, 296
- Rabaul, 316
- Reconstruction of Europe: Forced German labor for, question of, 68, 88; relation of machinery for control of Germany to machinery for, 67–68
- Rhodes, 408, 410
- Romania, 99, 198, 212, 215, 228, 241–242, 281, 298, 367, 439
- Rules of war, 125
- Ryukyu Islands, 266, 455
- Saipan, 317, 443
- Sakhalin, 267n, 268, 276
- Santa Maria (Azores), U.S. airbase at, 229–230
- Sarangani Bay, 266, 446, 455
- Security Council. See under United Nations organization.
- Sextant. See Cairo Conference.
- Singapore, 316–317, 333, 336, 350
- Somaliland, 408n, 409–410
- Southeast Asia federation, reports regarding, 263–264
- Soviet Union:
- Anglo - American - Russian relations, 190–192
- Austria, Soviet proposal for tripartite occupation of, 154
- Baltic states, Soviet attitude toward, 193
- Coordination of U.S.-British-Soviet military efforts, 9–10, 182–185, 401–404, 437–438, 473
- Germany: Berlin, Soviet proposal for tripartite occupation of, 154; control machinery for, 74, 76, 82, 156; East Prussia, probable Soviet annexation of, 86, 101, 126, 128; reparations from, 144–145; surrender terms, Soviet position regarding, 62, 154, 156; trade with, 99; zones of occupation, 147–148, 155–157, 373
- Italy, establishment of relations with, 42, 207, 209
- Japan, question of Soviet participation in war against, 31, 40, 161, 317
- Lend-lease, question of, 199, 420n
- Military missions in Moscow: British, 9, 182–183, 196, 200, 202, 308, 399, 438, 473; U.S., 182–183, 196, 202, 205n, 308, 399, 405, 438, 473
- Poland. See under Poland.
- Soviet General Staff, 182, 184
- Supply protocols, 199
- United Nations organization: Soviet participation, importance of, 192; voting formula in Security Council, 348n, 383, 424–425, 427
- U.S. relations with, 192–193, 198–200
- Spheres of influence in Europe, U.S. attitude toward, 192
- Sudan, 408n, 409–410
- Sumatra, 269, 278–279
- Surigao area, 266, 455
- Sweden, 99, 149
- Switzerland, 99
- Taiwan. See Formosa.
- Talaud, 266, 446, 455
- Tehran Conference (1943), 3, 15, 193, 280, 313, 317, 369, 424, 489, 491
- Thailand, 252, 263–264, 269–270, 273
- Three-power solidarity, importance of, 191–192
- Timor, 230, 252
- Tinian, 443
- Trade barriers, multilateral reduction of, 180
- Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc.
- Agreements between the Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and United States regarding zones of occupation in Germany: Sept. 12, 365–366, 373n, 389–390, 392; Nov. 14, 366–367
- Augo-Portuguese agreement (1943), 230
- Armistice agreement with Italy, signed at Malta. (1943) and protocol signed at Brindisi (1943), 209, 416, 495
- Atlantic Charter (1941), 163, 279, 410, 415, 484
- Civil affairs agreement between Norway and the United States, May 16, 196
- Civil affairs agreements between Norway, the Soviet Union, and United Kingdom, May 16, 196
- Geneva Convention (1929), 77
- Lend-lease agreement between the United States and United Kingdom (1942), 163, 174–175
- Treaty of London between Great Britain and Portugal (1373), 230
- Trieste, 24–25, 222–224, 227, 303, 314, 369
- Tripolitania, 408n, 410
- Trusteeship, 408n, 409–410
- Tube Alloys, aide-mémoire initialed by Roosevelt and Churchill, Sept. 19, 492
- Turkey, 220, 408n, 411
- Tyrol, South, 369, 485
- Union of South Africa, 306
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom, (see also this index passim and
and the names of British officials in the Index of
Persons), 99, 132–133, 144
- Agricultural products, U.S. concern regarding British, bilateral purchase agreements for, 162–163
- Argentina: British policy toward, 163–165, 176–177; British purchases of Argentine beef, 163–167, 172, 175–176, 393–395
- Beveridge plan, 137
- Coal industry, 134, 136–137, 143
- Commercial and trade policies, 172–173
- Economic situation, postwar, 159–160
- Germany: Control machinery for, 74–75; occupation and control, 325; reparations from, 144–145; surrender terms, 154; zones of occupation, British-American differences regarding (see under Germany: Occupation and postwar treatment: Zones of occupation)
- Japan, British role in the war against. See Combined Chiefs of Staff and under War in Asia and the Pacific.
- Lend-lease. See under Lend-lease.
- Munitions requirements after the collapse of Germany, 160–161, 169–172
- Somaliland, proposed British trusteeship over, 408n, 409–410
- Soviet Union: Anglo-American-Russian relations, 190–192; British Military Mission in Moscow, 9, 182–183, 196, 200, 202, 308, 399, 438, 473
- Special Operations Executive, 248, 250, 261, 433
- U.S. credits for, consideration of, 172–173
- U.S. economic relations with (see also Lend-lease), 159–181, 393–396
- War Cabinet, 91, 147–148, 151, 154, 188–189, 190n, 203, 362, 409, 411–412, 497
- United Nations, 104–105, 111–114, 119, 129, 131–133, 135–136, 146, 159, 162, 175, 242, 262, 268, 270, 275, 297, 312, 344, 369–370, 389, 402, 408n, 409, 414–415, 427, 489, 493, 495, 497
- United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture (1943), 162
- United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, July 1–22, 177, 209, 415
- United Nations organization, proposed, 409
- United Nations Belief and Rehabilitation Administration:
- United States (see also this index passim and
and the names of U.S. officials in the Index of
- Agriculture, Department of, 168
- Bill of Rights, 125
- Cabinet Committee on Germany, 76, 90–91, 95, 98, 108–109; first meeting, Sept. 5, 91, 95n, 97–98, 126; meetings with Roosevelt: Sept. 6, 108, Sept. 9, 123n, 128n, 144
- Committee on Postwar Programs, policy recommendations regarding treatment of Germany, 49–72, 74
- Congress, 159, 169, 179, 422
- Constitution, 306
- Executive Committee on Economic Foreign Policy, 60n, 70n, 74, 84, 168, 389
- Foreign Economic Administration, 420–423
- Interdivisional Committee on Germany, 49n, 50–52, 53n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff. See Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Lend-lease Act (1941), 420–422
- Military Mission in Moscow, 182–183, 196, 202, 205n, 308, 399, 405, 438, 473
- Navy Department, 85, 122n
- Office of Strategic Services, 248, 250, 453
- Office of War Information, 27
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 414
- Supreme Court, 125
- War Department, 85, 122n, 212, 230, 234n, 258n
- Working Security Committee, 74–75, 77–80, 156
- Venezia Giulia, 439, 485
- Venezia Tridentina, 485
- War against the Axis powers:
- Basic strategy and policies for the conduct of, 218–221, 434–435, 470, 474
- British Chiefs of Staff, 9, 20, 23, 30–31, 40, 108n, 146–148, 150–151, 154–155, 157–158, 183–185, 200, 205–206, 209, 210–217, 224, 244–247, 252, 258, 265n, 305, 308, 315, 321, 331–335, 339, 357, 366n, 377, 399–404, 408–409, 430, 432n, 438–442, 447–448, 451, 462, 474
- British Joint Staff Mission at Washington, 224n
- Combined Chiefs of Staff. See Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- Combined Civil Affairs Committee, 108n, 109, 213
- Combined Food Board, 176, 393–394
- Combined Intelligence Committee, 31, 40–41, 237–244, 267–278, 305, 320
- Combined Planning Staff, 352
- Joint Chiefs of Staff. See Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- War in Asia and the Pacific, 244–278, 440–466
- Australia, utilization of naval facilities in, 350–351
- British role in, 15, 31–32, 40–41, 161, 178, 244–246, 254–257, 266, 300, 309n, 312, 315–318, 321, 331–335, 350–353, 441, 447, 455–457, 474–475
- Burma campaign (North Burma campaign and capture of Rangoon), 245–246, 258–260, 269, 277, 303, 314–317, 336–337, 380, 447–448, 455, 461–462, 474–476, 480
- Canadian participation in, question of, 349–350, 364–365, 379, 475
- China, military situation in, 376
- China Theater, 252, 338–339, 380–381
- Formosa, 316–317
- French Indochina, questions raised by future liberation of, 247–248; 250–253, 261–265, 272–273, 298; Chinese interest in, 262; State Department position on, 261–263; trusteeship proposal, 261
- French participation in, question of, 247–250, 253–254, 261–262, 298
- Hong Kong, question of restoration to British, 261–262
- Japan, war against, 31–32, 40–41, 161, 218–219, 245, 258n, 281–282, 379–381, 440, 442–446, 454–455, 474, 479; objectives, 379–381, 474; situation estimate, 267–278; strategy for the defeat of, 321; unconditional surrender, 169, 219, 265, 435, 440, 454, 469–470, 477
- Netherlands views on, 451–452
- New Guinea, 332, 351
- Operation Capital, 315, 338, 380, 448, 456, 463, 475, 477
- Operation Champion. See Burma, supra.
- Operation Dracula, 315–316, 335, 337–339, 341, 378, 380, 447–450, 456, 463–464, 475, 477
- Operation Highball, 357, 462
- Operation Vanguard. See Burma, supra.
- Philippines, 316, 332, 338–339
- Rabaul, 316–317
- Redeployment of forces, 31–32, 40–41, 301, 356, 381, 442, 448–451, 453, 456–459
- Saipan, 317
- Singapore, 316–317, 333, 336, 350
- Southeast Asia Command, 245, 247–250, 252–253, 260–262, 264–266, 339
- Southwest Pacific Theater, 246, 257
- Soviet participation in, question of, 31, 40–41, 161, 219, 266–267, 277, 306, 317, 349, 402, 435
- Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia, 31–32, 39–41, 322, 335, 338, 447–448
- War in Europe and the Mediterranean, 30–32, 221–244, 428–440
- Allied invasion of Normandy, 3–4, 7, 149–152, 154, 237, 265n, 281, 309–310, 313, 352, 435, 471, 478
- Allied invasion of southern France, 8n, 15, 221, 223–227, 229, 231–234, 236, 265n, 281, 305–306, 313
- Balkans, situation in, 228, 232, 316, 437, 472–473
- Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander, 146–151, 158
- Collapse of Germany, recommended course of action in event of, 145–151, 158, 228, 375, 438–440
- Combined bomber offensive against Germany from the United Kingdom, 32n, 235–237
- Coordination of U.S.-British-Soviet military efforts, 9–10, 182–185, 401–404, 437–438, 473
- COSSAC. See Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander, supra.
- European Advisory Commission, 121n, 402,
404, 438, 473
- Austria: Proposal for tripartite occupation of, 217; protocol on, 386
- Bulgarian armistice terms, 386
- Germany: Allied Control Council, 382; control machinery, 154; draft directive concerning postsurrender period, 108n; German fleet, disposition of, 97; occupation program, 65, 67, 95, 184; partition question, 121; status of negotiations concerning, 73–74, 81–82, 385; surrender document, 63, 154, 385; zones of occupation, 154n, 155–158, 365–366, 373n, 385–389, 392
- Hungary, draft armistice terms for, 214, 386
- Germany:
- Offensive against England with pilotless aircraft, 235
- Surrender: Acquisition of surrendered rights, 64; German signature, 63, 388; prospects for, 237–244; surrender document, 63, 81, 111n, 386; surrender terms, 51, 61–64, 77, 81–82, 154, 385; unconditional surrender, 15, 51, 61–63, 73n, 81, 111, 169, 218, 242, 385n, 388, 434, 469–470
- War against, 30–32, 40, 234–238, 301–302
- Italian campaign, 208, 221–224, 226–229, 231–232, 238, 281, 302–305, 313, 316, 322, 378–379, 415, 428–429, 436–437, 472
- Norway: Plans for occupation of, 196, 308n, 399–401; project for training American and Canadian volunteers for snow operations in, 304, 320
- Operation Dragoon. See Allied invasion of southern France, supra.
- Operation Overlord. See Allied invasion of Normandy, supra.
- Operation Pointblank. See Combined bomber offensive against Germany, supra.
- Russian front: Balkan flank, 223, 232, 281, 303, 314, 316; Polish sector, 238–239, 281; shuttle bombing, 198
- Soviet military cooperation, 193
- Strategic bomber forces, control over. See under Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, 31–32, 39–41, 182, 223, 233, 439
- Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, 31–32, 110–111, 182, 375, 432–433, 435–437
- Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, 39–41, 182–183, 196, 221, 226, 231–233, 236, 352, 366n, 488
- United Chiefs of Staff Committee, British opposition to proposal for, 184, 402
- Warsaw uprising. See under Poland.
- Washington Conference, First (1941), 279
- Washington Conference, Second (1942), 280
- Washington Conference, Third (1943), 280
- Yalta Conference (1945), 295, 298
- Young Plan (1929), 132
- Yugoslavia, 134–135, 212–215, 217, 228, 231, 281–282, 303, 350, 369, 382, 439, 481, 491