Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt1

top secret

Prime Minister to President Roosevelt. No. 775 Personal and Top Secret.

My temperature is normal and I am much better though still eating masses of M and B. The doctors seem quite confident that I can get away on night of fifth.2 The ship goes to Halifax direct and I will arrive Citadel on the tenth.

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I look forward so much to seeing you again and to making good plans with you for the future in these days of glory.

  1. Sent to Washington by the United States Military Attaché, London, via Army channels; forwarded by the White House Map Room to Roosevelt, who was spending the Labor Day weekend at Hyde Park, as telegram No. Red 346.
  2. For Winant’s comments on Churchill’s health, sent to Hopkins on September 1, 1944, see post, p. 254.