Hopkins Papers: Telegram

The President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins) to Prime Minister Churchill 1


From Mr. Harry L. Hopkins to the Prime Minister personal and most secret.

We have been having very satisfactory talks with Eden.2

[Page 6]

I am working on Tube Alloys and will let you know as soon as I know something definite.

We are looking for good news from Tunisia and I think we are going to get it.

All well here.

  1. Manner of transmission not indicated, but presumably via military channels.
  2. British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden visited Washington, March 12–30, 1943, during which time he conferred with President Roosevelt, Hopkins, and other American officials. For documentation on the Eden visit, see Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. iii, pp. 1 ff. For accounts of Eden’s discussions with American officials on the subject of American assistance to meet British shipping needs, see Leighton and Coakley, pp. 699–700, and Behrens, pp. 363–364.