J.C.S. Files

Report by an Ad Hoc Committee of the Combined Chiefs of Staff 1

C.C.S. 312/1

Pipeline From India to China

The ad hoc Committee appointed by the C.O.S. to examine administrative matters reviewed C.C.S. 312,2 and recommended its approval.

Orders for the construction of these pipelines are included in the draft directive to the Supreme Commander Southeast Asia, submitted for approval of the C.C.S. under C.O.S.(Q) 36.3 The tentative allocation of shipping has included the movement of these troops.

General Sir T. S. Riddell-Webster
Lt. General Brehon Somervell
Rear Admiral O. C Badger
  1. For the action taken on this paper at the 115th Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, August 23, 1943, see ante, p. 938.
  2. Ante, p. 973.
  3. Not printed.