J.C.S. Files

Note by the Secretaries of the Combined Chiefs of Staff

C.C.S. 301/1

Specific Operations in the Pacific and Far East, 1943–44

At their 110th Meeting, 17 August 1943,1 the Combined Chiefs of Staff directed that a paragraph be drafted by the Secretaries for inclusion in paragraph 8 of C.C.S. 301.2 A suggested paragraph follows:

(i) Air Route into China

Present plans provide for the concentration of available resources, as first priority within the Assam–Burma Theater, on the building up and increasing of the air routes to China to a capacity of 10,000 tons [Page 972] a month by early Fall, and the development of air facilities in Assam with a view to:

Intensifying air operations against the Japanese in Burma;
Maintaining increased American Air Forces in China; and
Maintaining the flow of air-borne supplies to China.

H. Redman
J. R. Deane

Combined Secretariat
  1. See ante, p. 878.
  2. Ante, p. 428.