740.00119 EW/8–1643: Telegram

The British Consul General at Tangier (Gascoigne) to the British Foreign Office 1

most secret

It seems obvious from what Signor Berio said last night that Badoglio, probably in cooperation with the Germans, means to do all he can to play for time before surrendering. Signor Berio earnestly stressed the German menace to Italy if the present Italian Government showed signs of surrender and asked me what Badoglio could do if the Germans were actually to start fighting Italian troops. The Italians, lie said, could not successfully resist, and the situation would become chaotic.

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May I have some information on the following points:
In what form should Badoglio’s unconditional surrender be made and through what channel?
What military action should we take on receipt of such surrender? i.e. should we be able, now that the Sicilian campaign is coming to a close, immediately to land troops in Italy and assist Badoglio to counter the Germans’ moves?
I would propose to communicate your reply to (a) above to Signor Berio, while particulars asked for under (b) would be for my own information to assist me with any future conversations which I may hold with Signor Berio. At the same time I shall be most careful not to be drawn into a polemic and to say anything to B. which you have not actually authorized me to mention.
  1. Printed from a copy made available to Hull on August 16, 1943, by the British Embassy at Washington.