J.C.S. Files: Telegram

The Commander in Chief, Allied Force Headquarters (Eisenhower) to the War Department 1


W 7138 Naf 319. In view of the critical situation in Italy we consider that the B–24 force which carried out the attack on Tidalwave and which is now awaiting suitable weather conditions for attack on Juggler coordinated with B–17 force from 8th Bomber Command should, immediately on completion of Juggler , be concentrated on targets in Italy. We consider that at this juncture every available force should be brought to bear against Italy and the German in Italy. Once we are established in Italy follow up attacks on Tidalwave will from every point of view be easier to carry out than they now are from African bases.

  1. Circulated as the enclosure to C.C.S. 252/2, August 12, 1943. For the consideration of this message at the 109th Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, August 16, 1943, see post, p. 871. For later messages from Eisenhower on this subject, see Eisenhower Papers, pp. 1339, 1347.