Roosevelt Papers: Telegram
Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt 1
396. Former Naval Person to President personal and most secret.
I have been considering the terms of the communiqué which I suggest should be issued immediately upon the arrival of the Quadrant party in Canada, and I should be glad to have your comments on the following text. I am also consulting Mackenzie King. There are two [Page 407] points I should mention in connection with it: (a) On security grounds I have purposely not mentioned that our joint conference will be at Abraham , so as to avoid indicating your future movements. (b) Anthony2 is coming over later by air, and his presence will be announced on his arrival.
2. Text of draft communiqué. Begins:
The Prime Minister of Great Britain has arrived in Canada accompanied by Lord Leathers the Minister of War Transport of the United Kingdom and the British Chiefs of Staff.
Mr Churchill was received on arrival by Mr Mackenzie King and during his stay in Canada will be the guest of the Canadian Government. Mr Churchill will have discussions with Mr Mackenzie King and thereafter will attend a conference with President Roosevelt and the Combined Chiefs of Staff of the United States and United Kingdom.
- Sent to Washington by the United States Military Attaché, London, via Army channels; forwarded by the White House Map Room to Roosevelt, who had left Washington at 10:30 p.m., July 30, 1943, and had arrived on August 1 at Birch Island, near Espanola, Ontario, Canada, where he stayed for a week on a fishing vacation. See Leahy, p. 174. Roosevelt crossed the border back into the United States at 1:30 p.m., August 8 and returned to Washington at 7:40 a.m., August 9.↩
- Eden.↩