Hopkins Papers
The Chief of Staff, United States Army (Marshall) to the President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins)1
The following is a suggested reply to the Prime Minister’s radio which we discussed today. I have read it to the U.S. Chiefs of Staff, to whom Admiral Leahy introduced the subject of the message. They are in agreement with me.
“Reference your radio number 291 regarding general meeting in Washington May 11th or in London:
“Marshall and King are due to leave here for Pacific on May 5th or 6th in order to be back in Washington first week in June for final consideration of post- Husky matters. Their Pacific trip at this time is most important relative to final adjustments of matters pertaining to combined operations in the South and Southwest Pacific areas about to be initiated.
“I suggest that the reactions of the British Chiefs of Staff to your minute of April 5th2 reference post- Husky operations be made available to the U.S. Chiefs of Staff and vice versa, this procedure preliminary to more formal and final consideration early in June in the light of Tunisian and Husky developments.
“I would also suggest that Wavell, Peirse, and Somerville come here immediately in time to discuss with Marshall and King and others in company with General Stilwell and Chennault now here, matters relative to Anakim .”
Chief of Staff