Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

President Roosevelt to Marshal Stalin 1

operational priority

Personal and most secret from the President to Premier Stalin.

I am sending you through Ambassador Standley the recently approved decisions of our Combined Chiefs of Staff. These decisions have the joint approval of both Mr. Churchill and myself. In view of their extremely secret nature I am asking Ambassador Standley to deliver them to you personally.2

  1. Transmitted via the United States Naval Attaché in Moscow.
  2. Roosevelt’s communication to Stalin, which was sent by telegram to the United States Naval Attaché in Moscow, is not printed here. The text was identical with the draft prepared by Marshall and printed ante, p. 383, with the exception of the change indicated in footnote 4 to that draft and certain minor typographical alterations. For a description of the manner in which the communication from Roosevelt to Stalin was received by Ambassador Standley in Moscow on June 4 and was delivered to Stalin in his Kremlin air raid shelter during an air raid alert, see William H. Standley and Arthur A. Ageton, Admiral Ambassador to Russia (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1955), p. 429. For text of Stalin’s reply to Roosevelt’s message, sent on June 11, 1943, see Stalin’s Correspondence, vol. ii, p. 70.