Department of Defense Files
The Chief of Staff, United States Army (Marshall) to the President
Memorandum for the President:
I recommend that you approve the allocation of tonnage on the India–China Air Transport Route as follows:
May and June 1943
500 tons per month for Ground Force requirements
All remaining available tonnage for Air Force requirements
[Page 296]July–August–September–October 1943
As first priority, 4700 tons per month for Air Force requirements
As second priority, 2250 tons per month for Ground Force requirements
with the proviso that Ground Force requirements will be shipped concurrently with Air Force requirements as long as a daily average tonnage of 157 tons for the Air Forces is maintained.
Dr. Soong concurs and has agreed to recommend this allocation to the Generalissimo.
The above agreement should provide 10,000 tons for Stilwell by November 1st, 1948.
Chief of Staff