Unwillingness of the United States to interfere with British activities concerning Egyptian political crisis

[66] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

740.0011 E.W. 1939/18803: Telegram

[67] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

740.0011 European War 1939/18878: Telegram

[68] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

883.00/1231: Telegram

[69] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

883.00/1232: Telegram

[70] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

883.00/1233: Telegram

[71] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

883.00/1234: Telegram

[72] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

883.00/1235: Telegram

[73] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

883.00/1236: Telegram

[74] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

883.00/1237: Telegram