- Concern of the United States regarding danger of food shortages in Iran
threatening famine and internal disorder: (Documents 138–238)
- I. Participation of the United States in decisions regarding supply
and distribution of food for Iran (Documents 138–144)
- II. Iranian appeals for direct American aid; complaints by Iranians
and by American Minister in Iran concerning British economic policies in
Iran (Documents 145–173)
- III. Negotiation of agreement between the United States, the United
Kingdom, and Iran regarding food supply for Iran, signed December 4,
1942 (Documents 174–219)
- IV. Representations by the United States regarding British policy in
Iran (Documents 220–238)
- I. Participation of the United States in decisions regarding supply
and distribution of food for Iran (Documents 138–144)
- Assistance by the United States in securing for the Iranian Government
American advisers (military, financial, police, gendarmerie, etc.) (Documents 239–298)
- Reservation of American rights regarding certain provisions of
Anglo-Soviet-Iranian Treaty of Alliance; unwillingness of the United States
to make declaration concerning integrity of Iran
(Documents 299–314)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States and
(Documents 315–325)
- Extension of Lend-Lease aid to Iran and desire of Iran to deal directly
with the United States in Lend-Lease matters (Documents 326–340)
- Efforts of the United States to facilitate a settlement of the dispute
between the United Kingdom and Iran regarding exchange rates (Documents 341–351)
- Agreement with the United Kingdom for American operation of the southern
section of the Trans-Iranian Railroad and conditional
consent of the Iranian Government (Documents 352–360)
- Concern of the United States regarding Kurdish disorders in
Soviet-occupied province of Azerbaijan (Documents 361–372)
- Insistence by the United States that the Japanese Legation be expelled
from Iran (Documents 373–391)
- Iranian request for American support in regard to British demands for
arrest of certain suspected persons in Iran (Documents 392–399)